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Food Container Glass in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)

Nombre de pages: 190 Nombre de tables: 47 Le nombre de chiffres: 65
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 07.11.2014
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Télécharger
Prix: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the first edition of the market research of container glass for food industry in the CIS.

The purpose of the study - an analysis of the market of container glass for food industry in Russia and the CIS countries.

Object of research are narrow-necked glass containers (bottles) and wide-containers (jars for canning).

This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, official statistics of rail transport JSC "Russian Railways"; Republic of Kazakhstan Agency on Statistics, GCS Ukraine and other CIS-STAT, used data base UNdata, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, as well as websites of manufacturers of glass containers.

The chronological framework of the study: 2000-9m2014, forecast - 2014-2020.

Geography Research: Russian Federation, Ukraine - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market; Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, - a retrospective analysis of the overall market.

The report is composed of 7 Sections, contains 190 pages, including 47 tables, 65 figures and 1 appendix.


In the first chapter of the report describes the technology of production of container glass.

The second chapter presents data on reserves and deposits of basic raw materials for the production of container glass in the CIS.

The third chapter is devoted to the production of container glass for food industry in CIS countries. This section provides statistics of the production in the 2000-2013 biennium. (in Russia - including the first 9 months of 2014), the regional structure of production, and also presents data on volumes of bottles and cans of large enterprises.

The fourth chapter analyzes foreign trade operations in container glass for food industry in the Russian Federation (2000-2014) And Ukraine (in 2004-2013) As well as in other CIS countries (2005-2013). The data on exports and imports of the products in bulk and in money terms, regional pattern of export and import bottles and jars, data on volumes and directions of supplies of the main exporters and importers.

The fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of price conjuncture of Russian market of glass. In this section, the dynamics of change in prices for container glass for food industry on the domestic market in recent years, provides an overview of export-import prices.

The sixth chapter of the report devoted to the consumption of container glass for food industry, the balance of the production-consumption of these products in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. This section also shows the sectoral and regional structure of consumption of container glass in Russia.

In the seventh chapter of the report presents forecast of development of the market of container glass for food industry in Russia up to 2020, taking into account the current state and forecast of the major consuming industries.

Appendix presents contact information on the main producers of container glass for food industry in the CIS.


Target audience research:

- Container glass market participants - producers, consumers, traders;

- Potential investors.

The proposed study claims to be the reference for marketing services and professionals to make management decisions, working in the market of container glass.





1. Technology of production of glass and equipment used


2. State of the raw material base for the production of glass in the CIS for 2014

2.1. Quartz sand

2.2. Carbonate resources

2.2.1. Dolomite

2.2.2. Chalk

2.2.3. Limestone and lime

2.3. Feldspar

2.4. Soda ash

2.5. Sodium Sulfate


3. Production of container glass for food industry in the CIS

3.1. Production of container glass for food industry in Russia in 1997-2014

3.1.1. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Russia

3.1.2. The main enterprise-producers of container glass in Russia; their power and current status.

Group "Ruscam"

Group of companies "CSY and K"

GC "Rus-Glass"

Glass Company "Rasco"

Concern Saint Gobain

JSC "Firm" Actis "(Rostov region).

JSC "Svet" (Udmurtia)

LLC "Ruzaevsky Glassworks" (Rep. Of Mordovia)

LLC "Red Echo" (Vladimir region).

LLC "Steklozavody" ("Aleksinskoye Glass") (Tula)

JSC "Novosibirsk plant" Ekran "(Novosibirsk region).

JSC "Sitall" (Smolensk region).

3.2. Production of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2004-2013

3.2.1. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Ukraine

3.2.2. The main enterprise-producers of container glass in the Ukraine; their power and current status

JSC "Gostomelsky Glassworks" Vetropak "(Kiev region).

LLC "Volnogorsk glass" (Dnipropetrovsk region).

LLC "Consumers-Sklo-Zorya" (Rivne region).

JSC "Rokytnivskyi Glassworks" (Rivne region).

LLC "Kostopil Glassware Factory" (Rivne region).

LLC "Merefa Glass Company" (Kharkiv region).

3.3. Production of container glass for food industry in other CIS countries in 2005-2013

3.3.1. Byelorussia

3.3.2. Moldavia

3.3.3. Uzbekistan

3.3.4. Kazakhstan


4. Foreign trade in container glass for food industry in the CIS

4.1. Foreign trade in container glass in Russia in 2000-2014

4.1.1. Exports of container glass in Russia

4.1.2. Imports of container glass in Russia

4.2. Foreign trade in container glass in Ukraine in 2004-2013

4.2.1. Exports of container glass of Ukraine

4.2.2. Imports of container glass in Ukraine

4.3. Foreign trade in container glass other CIS countries in 2005-2013


5. Prices for container glass in Russia in 2000-2014

5.1. Domestic prices for container glass for food industry in Russia

5.2. Analysis of export-import prices on container glass for food industry in Russia


6. The consumption of container glass in CIS

6.1. The consumption of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2014

6.1.1. Supply-demand balance of container glass in Russia

6.1.2. Branch and Regional structure of consumption of container glass for food industry in Russia

6.2. The consumption of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2004-2013

6.3. The consumption of container glass for food industry in other CIS countries in 2004-2013


7. Forecast of production and consumption of container glass for food industry until 2020

7.1. Present status and forecast of development of end-uses

7.2. Market forecast of container glass for food industry in Russia


Appendix. Addresses and phone numbers of company-producers of container glass for food industry

Table 1. The sampling charge for its quality control

Table 2. Production of container glass for food industry in CIS countries in 2004-2013, kt

Table 3. Production of container glass for food industry in Russia in 1997-2014, mln pcs., kt

Table 4. Production of container glass in Russia by federal districts in 2001-2014, mln pieces.

Table 5. Production of bottles in Russia by regions in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Table 6. Glass containers production in Russia by regions in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Table 7. Production of bottles largest Russian enterprises in 2006-2013, mln pieces.

Table 8. Production of glass cans largest Russian enterprises in 2006-2013, mln pieces.

Table 9. Production of bottles and jars for canning in Ukraine in 2004-2013, mln pcs., kt

Table 10. Production of container glass large Ukrainian companies in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Table 11. Production of bottles and jars for canning in Belarus in 2004-2013, mln pcs., kt

Table 12. Production of bottles and jars for canning in Moldova in 2004-2013, mln pcs., kt

Table 13. Volume of foreign trade of container glass for food industry of the CIS countries in 2005-2013, kt

Table 14. The main headings of container glass and their code designations

Table 15. Export of container glass for food industry of Russia in 2000-2013, mln pcs., kt, million $

Table 16. Volume of export supplies of bottles from Russia to destinations in 2001-2013, mln pieces.

Table 17. Volume of export supplies of cans from Russia to destinations in 2001-2013, mln pieces.

Table 18. Volume of export supplies of bottles of Russian enterprises in areas in 2005-2013, mln pieces

Table 19. Volume of export supplies of cans of Russian enterprises in areas in 2005-2013, mln pieces

Table 20. Import of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2013, mln pcs., kt, million $

Table 21. Volumes of imports of bottles in Russia in areas in 2001-2013, mln pieces.

Table 22. Volumes of imports cans in Russia in areas in 2001-2013, mln pieces.

Table 23. Volumes of supplies of bottles of the main Russian importers in 2007-2013, mln pieces.

Table 24. Volumes of supplies of cans of the main Russian importers in 2007-2013, mln pieces.

Table 25. Export of bottles and cans from Ukraine in 2007-2013, th. Tonnes, million $

Table 26. Volume of export supplies of container glass for food industry of Ukraine to destinations in 2007-2013, kt

Table 27. Volume of export supplies of bottles of Ukrainian enterprises in areas in 2010-2013, kt

Table 28. Volume of export supplies of cans of Ukrainian enterprises in areas in 2010-2013, kt

Table 29. Import of bottles and cans to Ukraine in 2007-2013, kt, million $

Table 30. Volumes of imports of container glass for food industry in Ukraine to destinations in 2007-2013, kt

Table 31. Volumes of supplies of container glass main Ukrainian importers in 2010-2013, kt

Table 32. Regional structure of export and import of container glass for food industry in Belarus in 2005-2013, kt

Table 33. Regional structure of export and import of container glass for food industry of Kazakhstan in 2005-2013, kt

Table 34. Regional structure of export and import of container glass for food industry of Moldova in 2005-2013, kt

Table 35. Regional structure of export and import of container glass for food industry in Armenia in 2005-2013, kt

Table 36. Regional structure of export and import of container glass for food industry of Georgia in 2005-2013, kt

Table 37. Regional structure of export and import of container glass for food industry of Azerbaijan in 2005-2013, kt

Table 38. Volumes of Russian supplies and the average export prices of bottles and cans in the directions in 2007-2013, mln pieces. $ / Thousand pcs.

Table 39. Volumes of supplies and average import prices for bottles and cans in Russia in 2007-2013, mln pieces. $ / Thousand pcs.

Table 40. Volumes of consumption of container glass for food industry CIS countries in 2004-2013, ths. Tons

Table 41. Supply-demand balance of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2013, mln pieces, kt

Table 42. Consumption of bottles and cans in Russia in 2000-2013, mln pieces,%

Table 43. Supply-demand balance of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2004-2013, kt

Table 44. Supply-demand balance of container glass for food industry in Kazakhstan in 2004-2013, kt

Table 45. Supply-demand balance of container glass for food industry in Belarus in 2004-2013, kt

Table 46. Supply-demand balance of container glass for food industry in Moldova in 2004-2013, kt

Table 47. Volumes of production (million dL) and growth rate (%) of the basic kinds of alcoholic beverages in Russia in 2005-2013 

Figure 1. Typical process flow diagram of the industrial process for producing glass

Figure 2. Schematic of narrow-necked thick-walled molding products double blowing method

Figure 3. Process scheme of formation of products by car carousel

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the glass forming machine of section type

Figure 5. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in CIS countries, million tonnes

Figure 6. Regional structure of production of container glass for food industry in the CIS in 2005-2013,%

Figure 7. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Russia in 1997-2013, bln pcs., Mln t

Figure 8. Regional pattern of production of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 9. Regional pattern of production of bottles in Russia by federal districts in 2001-2013,%

Figure 10. Regional structure of production of glass cans in Russia by federal districts in 2001-2013,%

Figure 11. Production volumes of bottles group of companies "Ruscam» in 2007-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 12. Production volumes of bottles group of companies "CSY and K" in 2007-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 13. Dynamics of production of glass products of JSC "Kamyshinsky Glass Plant" in 2006-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 14. Dynamics of production of glass products of JSC "Firm" Actis "in 2007-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 15. Dynamics of production of glass products of "Svet" in 2006-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 16. Dynamics of production of glass products of JSC "Ruzaevsky Glassworks" in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 17. Dynamics of production of glass products of "Red Echo" in 2006-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 18. Dynamics of production of glass products of JSC "Sterlozavody" in 2010-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 19. Dynamics of production of glass products of JSC "Novosibirsk plant" Ekran" in 2006-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 20. Dynamics of production of glass products of "Sitall” in 2006-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 21. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2004-2013, mln pcs., kt

Figure 22. Regional structure of production of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2012-2013,%

Figure 23. Dynamics of production of bottles of "Gostomel Glass" Vetropak »in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 24. Dynamics of production of bottles of "Volnogorsk glass" in 2003-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 25. Dynamics of production of glass products of JSC "Consumers-Sklo-Zorya" in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 26. Dynamics of production of bottles of "Rokytnivskyi Glassworks" in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 27. Dynamics of production of bottles LLC "Kostopil Glassware Factory" in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 28. Dynamics of production of bottles of "Merefa Glass Company» in 2008-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 29. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Belarus in 2005-2013, mln pcs., Th. Tonnes

Figure 30. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Moldova in 2004-2013, mln pcs., Th. Tonnes

Figure 31. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Uzbekistan in 2005-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 32. Dynamics of production of container glass for food industry in Kazakhstan in 2004-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 33. Dynamics of foreign trade in container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2013, kt

Figure 34. Dynamics of Russian export of container glass for food industry in 2000-2013, mln pcs., kt

Figure 35. Change of regional structure of exports of container glass for food industry in Russia 2001-2013,%

Figure 36. Commodity pattern of Russian export of container glass for food industry in 2013,%

Figure 37. Dynamics of import of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2013, mln pcs., kt

Figure 38. Change of regional structure of imports of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2001-2013,%

Figure 39. Commodity structure of imports of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 40. Dynamics of foreign trade in container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2004-2013, kt

Figure 41. Dynamics of export of container glass for food industry of Ukraine in 2004-2013, kt, million $

Figure 42. Change of regional structure of exports of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2003-2013,%

Figure 43. Structure of exports of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2013 for enterprises,%

Figure 44. Dynamics of import of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2004-2013, kt, million $

Figure 45. Change of regional structure of imports of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2003-2013,%

Figure 46. The volume of foreign trade of container glass for food industry in Belarus in 2005-2013, kt Figure 47. Import volumes of container glass for food industry in Kazakhstan in 2005-2013, kt

Figure 48. The volume of foreign trade of container glass for food industry of Moldova in 2005-2013, kt

Figure 49. The volume of foreign trade of container glass for food industry in Armenia in 2005-2013, kt

Figure 50. The volume of foreign trade of container glass for food industry of Georgia in 2005-2013, kt

Figure 51. Import volumes of container glass for food industry in Azerbaijan in 2005-2013, kt

Figure 52. Dynamics of domestic prices of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2013, rub. / Th. pcs.

Figure 53. Dynamics of average export and import prices on bottles in 2000-2013, $ / thousand. pcs.

Figure 54. Dynamics of average export and import prices for banks in 2000-2013, $ / thousand. pcs.

Figure 55. Proportion of individual countries in the consumption of container glass in the CIS in 2013,%

Figure 56. Supply-demand balance of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2000-2013, mln pieces.

Figure 57. Sectoral pattern of consumption of bottles in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 58. Regional structure of consumption of bottles in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 59. Sectoral pattern of consumption of cans in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 60. Regional structure of consumption of cans in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 61. Supply-demand balance of container glass for food industry in Ukraine in 2004-2013, kt

Figure 62. Dynamics of production of alcoholic beverages (million dL) and the consumption of container glass (kt) in Ukraine in 2006-2013

Figure 63. Dynamics of production of alcoholic beverages (million dL) and the consumption of container glass (kt) in Belarus in 2007-2013

Figure 64. Dynamics of production of wine (million dL) and the consumption of container glass (kt) in Moldova in 2004-2013

Figure 65. Forecast of production of container glass for food industry in Russia in 2014-2020, bln pieces.


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