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Xenon in Russia and Ukraine: Production, Market and Forecast

Nombre de pages: 61 Nombre de tables: 38 Le nombre de chiffres: 15
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 08.02.2021
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Télécharger
Prix: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.

This report is the 1st edition of a study of the xenon market in Russia and Ukraine.

The purpose of the research is to analyze the xenon market.

The objects of research are a rare gas - xenon.

This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS RF), data from customs statistics and statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, data from the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.

Also involved were data from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, Internet sites of enterprises-producers and consumers of rare gases; the InfoMine database was used; materials of specialized conferences.

The main chronological framework of the study: 2008-2020.

Geography of research: Russia, Ukraine.


Research volume: the report consists of 8 parts, contains 61 pages, including 38 tables, 15 figures, 1 appendix.

The first chapter (introduction) gives a brief description of the industrial gases market, in particular, xenon.

In the second chapter, the requirements for the quality of the krypton-xenon mixture (KKS) and xenon (GOSTs, TU) are considered, their main technical characteristics are given.

The third chapter is devoted to an overview of the equipment used for the release of rare gases, the technical characteristics of the units used are given.

The fourth chapter is devoted to the production of krypton-xenon mixture and xenon. The structure of production in Russia and Ukraine is presented. The main manufacturing companies in Russia and Ukraine, their nomenclature of production, estimated production volumes, financial indicators are also considered.

The fifth chapter of the review provides data on the export-import of krypton-xenon mixture and xenon in Russia (2008-2020) and Ukraine (2015-2019). The dynamics of supply volumes, geographical structure, structure of export-import by types of products and suppliers / consumers are presented.

The sixth chapter is devoted to an overview of export-import and domestic prices for krypton-xenon mixture and xenon.

The seventh chapter provides a characteristic and estimated volumes of xenon use in Russia, shows the main areas of use, presents the main consumers.

The eighth chapter provides an analysis of the state and prospects of the xenon market in Russia and Ukraine.

The appendix contains the addresses and contact information of the main participants in the xenon market in Russia and Ukraine.

Target audience of the study:

- industrial gases market participants - producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the Russian industrial gases market.



1. Introduction


2. Requirements for the quality of the krypton-xenon mixture and xenon


3. Technologies and equipment used for the release of rare gases in Russia


4. Production of krypton-xenon mixture and xenon in Russia and Ukraine in 2008-2020.

4.1. Structure and production volumes

4.2. Major producers of krypton-xenon mixture and xenon in Russia and Ukraine

Krypton-xenon mixture manufacturers in Russia

Xenon manufacturers in Russia and Ukraine

LLC "Akela-N"

LLC "Chrome"

CJSC "HolodGazEngineering" (KhGI)

LLC "Business Management"

Iceblick LLC / Cryoin Engineering LLC

Ingaz LLC (Ukraine, Russia)


5. Export-import of xenon in 2008-2020.

5.1 Russia



5.2 Ukraine


6. Prices for krypton-xenon mixture and xenon in 2008-2020.


7. Consumption of xenon in Russia in 2017-2020.


8. State and development prospects of the xenon market in Russia and Ukraine


Appendix. Contact information about the main participants of the xenon market in Russia

Table 1: Content of rare gases in the Earth's atmosphere

Table 2: Requirements for the quality of krypton and kryptonoxenone mixture (GOST 10219-77)

Table 3: Requirements for the quality of xenon (GOST 10219-77)

Table 4: Requirements for the quality of xenon (TU 2114-003-39791733-2002)

Table 5: Potential opportunities for the release of primary mixtures of rare gases at ASPs of various types, nm3 / h

Table 6: Large air separation plants with the release of rare gas mixtures at metallurgical enterprises in Russia

Table 7: Operational characteristics of plants for processing primary krypton concentrate to obtain a krypton-xenone mixture

Table 8: Plants for the separation of krypton-xenone mixtures at metallurgical enterprises in Russia and Ukraine

Table 9: Technical characteristics of the KS-0.4 unit produced by OJSC "Cryogenmash"

Table 10: Estimated annual production volumes of CCS and xenon in Russia and Ukraine, thousand m3

Table 11. The main companies for the production of xenon in Russia and Ukraine

Table 12: Dynamics of export supplies of krypton-xenon mixture by metallurgical enterprises of Russia (excluding traders) in 2008-2020, thousand m3

Table 13: Dynamics of export deliveries of KKS LLC Soval / LLC Air Liquide in 2008-2020, thousand m3

Table 14: Dynamics of export supplies of xenon by Akela-N LLC in 2008-2020, thousand m3

Table 15: Main financial indicators of Akela-N LLC in 2012-2019, RUB mln.

Table 16: Key financial indicators of Ksemed LLC in 2012-2019, RUB million

Table 17: Main financial indicators of LLC "Chrom" in 2005-2019, million rubles

Table 18: Dynamics of import of mixtures and export of xenon of JSC "KhGI" in 2014-2020, thousand m3

Table 19: Main financial indicators of JSC "KhGI" in 2012-2019, million rubles

Table 20: Dynamics of export of mixtures and xenon of LLC Business Management in 2016-2020, thousand m3

Table 21: Key financial indicators of Business Management LLC in 2015-2019, RUB million

Table 22: Dynamics of import of KKS LLC "Iceblik" / LLC "Cryoin Engineering" in 2008-2019, thousand m3

Table 23: Dynamics of export supplies of xenon by Iceblick LLC / Cryoin Engineering LLC in 2015-2019, thousand m3

Table 24: Dynamics of import of KKS and export of xenon LLC "Ingaz" in 2015-2019, thousand m3

Table 25: Dynamics of import of mixtures and export of xenon of Ingaz LLC in 2017-2020, thousand m3

Table 26: Main financial indicators of Ingaz LLC in 2017-2019, RUB million

Table 27: Directions of supplies of krypton-xenon mixtures from Russia in 2008-2020, thousand m3

Table 28: Directions of xenon supplies from Russia in 2008-2020, thousand m3

Table 29: Major Russian exporting companies of krypton-xenon mixture

Table 30: Major Russian xenon exporters in 2008-2020, thousand m3

Table 31: Directions of import supplies of CCS by Russia in 2008-2020, m3

Table 32: Directions of xenon imports from Russia in 2008-2020, thousand m3

Table 33: Major Russian importing companies of KKS and xenon in 2008-2020, m3

Table 34: Directions of export supplies of xenon from Ukraine in 2015-2019, thousand m3

Table 35: Main Ukrainian companies-exporters of xenon in 2015-2019, thousand m3

Table 36: Main areas of xenon use in Russia and consumer enterprises

Table 37: Structure of xenon use in various fields in 2017-2020,%

Table 38: Bidding for the purchase of xenon in 2018-2020

Figure 1: World structure of raw materials for the production of krypton and xenon (krypton-xenon mixture),%

Figure 2: Simplified diagram of an air separation unit incorporating a rare gas extraction system

Figure 3: Connection diagram of the primary krypton concentration column to the air separation unit

Figure 4: Schematic diagram of the Chrom-3 installation

Figure 5: Major players in the xenon market in Russia and Ukraine

Figure 6: Dynamics of supplies for export of xenon by LLC "Chrom" in 2008-2020, thousand m3

Figure 7: Dynamics of export of krypton-xenon mixtures of the Russian Federation in 2008-2020, thousand m3 / mln USD

Figure 8: Dynamics of xenon export in the Russian Federation in 2008-2017, thousand m3 / mln USD

Figure 9: Structure of supplies of KKS and xenon by exporting companies (consolidated for 2008-2020),%

Figure 10: Export-import of KKS of Ukraine in 2015-2019, thousand m3

Figure 11: Export-import of xenon of Ukraine in 2015-2019, thousand m3

Figure 12: Average annual export and import prices for krypton-xenon mixture in 2008-2020, USD / m3

Figure 13: Average annual export prices for krypton-xenon mixture of different Russian suppliers in 2008-2020, USD / m3

Figure 14. Average annual contract prices of xenon sales by different suppliers (based on the results of tenders in 2016-2020), rubles / l

Figure 15: Volume of purchases of xenon in 2017-2020 at open tenders and tenders in Russia, m3


Rapports à venir

September 2024

Iron Ore Raw Materials (Iron Ore Concentrate, Sinter, Pellets) in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)

September 2024

Ammonium Nitrate in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)

September 2024

Polyester and Epoxy Resins in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

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