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Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in Russia - the main cargo logistics

Nombre de pages: 135 Nombre de tables: 37 Le nombre de chiffres: 56
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 23.03.2015
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Télécharger
Prix: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


The present review is the first edition of the market research liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in Russia.


The purpose of research is to study the market of liquefied petroleum gases in Russia and identify the key logistics flows of raw material, identification of key market participants, and assess the prospects for its development.

Object of research are liquefied petroleum gas, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons, as well as specialized rolling stock for transportation of these products.

The chronological scope of the study: 2007-2014, the forecast 2015-2020

Geography research: Russia

This work is a "Desk" research. The sources of information used data of Federal service of state statistics (Rosstat), Federal customs service of Russia (FCS), statistics of rail transport of the Russian Federation, the state statistics Committee of Ukraine, state customs Committee of Ukraine.

Also, the review is informed by the reports of issuers of securities, these regional and trade media and Internet sites of producers and consumers of liquefied petroleum gas.


The report contains 135 pages, including 37 tables and 56 figures and Appendix.

In the first chapter of the report presents General information on liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), their classification is given in accordance with the applicable standard. Also, the basic sources and technologies for production of LPG, the main applications of these products.

The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of statistical data on the production of LPG in Russia in 2007-2014 Considered regional structure of production of LPG, defined by the largest Russian producers of these products. The Chapter considers the current condition of the major players in the market of liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Furthermore the dynamics of commodity structure of production of LPG.

The third chapter describes the methods of transportation of liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Special attention is paid to the transportation of LPG by rail, as the most widely used mean of transportation. In this Chapter studied statistics on the production of specialized rolling stock for LPG - tank cars, the size and age of our fleet of tank wagons on the network of JSC "RZD"

Identified key players in the market of railway transport of LPG, data on the dynamics of prices for new tank cars and rental rates for this type of rolling stock.

The fourth chapter is devoted to the study of the major traffic flows on the domestic LPG market. The dynamics of the consumption of LPG in Russia in the period 2009-2014, determined the balance of production-consumption of these products. Identified the major suppliers and recipients of LPG in Russia, data on the dynamics of transport railway transport of these products.

The fifth chapter analyzes the dynamics and structure of export of liquefied petroleum gas from Russia. Data on the main characteristics of the port infrastructure for handling LPG in Russia and neighboring countries. We studied the main factors affecting the change in the configuration of the export of LPG in 2014

The sixth chapter describes the main transit LPG flows through the territory of Russia. The dynamics and the geography of transit.

In the seventh chapter of the report analyzes data on the dynamics of prices for LPG in the domestic market and for export. Also the dynamics of export duties on LPG in 2014-2015.

In the final, eighth chapter, the forecast of development of LPG market in Russia up to 2020


The Appendix presents contact information on producers and consumers of LPG in Russia.

1. Overview of liquefied petroleum gas

1.1. Classification of liquefied petroleum gases

1.2. Sources of liquefied petroleum gases


2. The production of LPG in Russia (2007-2014)

2.1. Dynamics of regional structure of production of LPG

2.2. The largest Russian manufacturers of LPG

PJSC "SIBUR holding"


OJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" (TAIF group of companies)


CJSC "NOC" (Novokuibyshevsk petrochemical company)


Projects on creation of new processing capacities


3. Transportation of liquefied petroleum gases

3.1. Tank wagons for transportation of LPG

3.2. The fleet of freight wagons for LPG

3.3. The main operators in the market of railway transport of LPG

3.4. Tank containers as a promising means of transportation of LPG


4. Main cargo of LPG in the domestic market (2009-2014)

4.1. Dynamics and structure of consumption of LPG in Russia

4.2. Volumes and directions of supplies of LPG in the domestic market


5. Export cargo of LPG in 2007-2014

5.1. Power handling LPG

5.2. Dynamics and structure of exports


6. The LPG transit through the territory of Russia (2009-2014)


7. The price of LPG in Russia (2012-2014)


8. The main findings of the study


Appendix: contact information on producers and consumers of liquefied petroleum gases

Table 1. Basic properties of liquefied petroleum gases

Table 2. Physico-chemical and performance characteristics of liquefied petroleum gases

Table 3. Classification of liquefied petroleum gas for their use

Table 4. The volume of associated petroleum gas by Russian companies in 2012-2014, billion m3

Table 5. The volume of NGL production by Russian enterprises in 2010-2013, kt

Table 6. The production of LPG producer groups in 2012-2013, kt

Table 7. Production volume of LPG by the main Russian producers in 2010-2013, kt

Table 8. The production volume of individual Fracci LPG in Russia in 2011-2013, kt

Table 9. Key performance indicators feedstock & energy segment SIBUR in 2009-2014, billion m3, mln t

Table 10. Volumes of supplies of raw NGL at enterprise “Uralorgsintez" and "SIBUR-Khimprom" in 2010-2014, kt

Table 11. The volume of deliveries of LPG production, SIBUR on domestic and foreign markets in 2012-2014, kt

Table 12. The volume of petroleum processing Gazprom Group in 2009-2013, billion m 3, mln t

Table 13. The main types of LPG produced by JSC "Gazpromneft-ONPZ" and their application

Table 14. The main characteristics of gas processing plants of OAO "LUKOIL"

Table 15. Export volume of LPG enterprises of LUKOIL in 2011-2014, kt

Table 16. The range and scope of LPG production of CJSC "NOC"

Table 17. Indices of production activity of JSC "NOVATEK" in 2009-2014, MT, kt, billion m3

Table 18. The main directions of supplies of LPG produced by JSC "NOVATEK" in 2009-2014, kt

Table 19. Specifications of tank wagons for the carriage of LPG

Table 20. The production volume of tank wagons for the carriage of LPG enterprises of the CIS in 2007-2014.

Table 21. The balance of production-consumption of LPG in Russia in 2009-2014, million tons, %

Table 22. The main regions of the supplier of LPG in 2011-2014, kt

Table 23. The main suppliers of LPG to the domestic market of Russia by railway transport in 2012-2014, kt

Table 24. The volume of deliveries of LPG fuel in the regions of Russia in 2012-2014, kt

Table 25. Production capacity and raw pyrolysis units of Russian enterprises

Table 26. The amount of ethylene and propylene production by Russian enterprises in 2012-2014, kt

Table 27. The supply of LPG to the petrochemical plants in 2012-2014, kt

Table 28. The main Russian consumers of natural gas liquids in 2011-2014, kt

Table 29. Power seaports CIS LPG transshipment

Table 30. Prospects for the expansion of port facilities for handling LPG in Russia and neighboring countries

Table 31. Export supplies of LPG from Russia to destinations in 2007-2014, kt

Table 32. The volume of Russian exports of certain fractions of LPG in 2007-2014, kt

Table 33. The main Russian exporters of LPG in 2011-2014, kt

Table 34. Volume of Russian export of liquefied petroleum gas through the ports and railway border crossings in 2007-2014, kt

Table 35. The volume of transit transportation of LPG in Russia to destinations in 2009-2014, kt

Table 36. The volume of LPG transit through ports and border crossings in 2009-2014, kt

Table 37. Prices of Russian producers of LPG and NGL in January-February 2015, RUB/t

Figure 1. Structure of production of LPG major groups of enterprises, %

Figure 2. Production and logistics infrastructure of deep processing of APG

Figure 3. The geography of existing enterprises for processing of associated petroleum gas in Russia

Figure 4. Dynamics of production of oil and natural gas in Russia in 2005-2014, million tons, billion m3

Figure 5. The rating of Russian companies in oil production oil production with gas condensate in 2014, %

Figure 6. Dynamics of mining of associated petroleum gas in Russia in 2006-2014, billion m3

Figure 7. The degree of use of associated petroleum gas by Russian companies in 2012-2014, %

Figure 8. Structure of natural gas production by companies in Russia in 2012-2014, %

Figure 9. Dynamics of production of unstable and stable gas condensate in Russia in 2010-2014, mln t

Figure 10. Dynamics of production of NGL in Russia in 2009-2014, mln t

Figure 11. Dynamics of production of liquefied petroleum gas in Russia in 2006-2014, mln t

Figure 12. Dynamics of production of LPG in Russia by Federal districts in 2012-2014, mln t

Figure 13. Commodity structure of production of LPG in Russia

Figure 14. Dynamics of commodity structure of production of propane and butane liquefied in 2011-2013, %

Figure 15. Dynamics of production of LPG in Russia large holdings in 2012-2013, mln t

Figure 16. Scheme of production of OOO "Tobol'sk-Neftekhim"

Figure 17. Dynamics of production of liquefied petroleum gases SIBUR enterprises in 2010-2014, mln t

Figure 18. Structure of production of LPG enterprises of OAO "Gazprom" in 2013, %

Figure 19. Dynamics of production and export of LPG Orenburg gas-processing plant in 2011-2014, kt

Figure 20. Dynamics of production and export of LPG Sosnogorsk gas processing plant in 2011-2014, kt

Figure 21. Dynamics of production and export of LPG Gazpromneft-ONPZ" in 2011-2014, kt

Figure 22. Schematic diagram of the production of JSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim"

Figure 23. Dynamics of production of main kinds of products of JSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" in 2009-2013, kt

Figure 24. Dynamics of supplies of LPG JSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" in domestic and foreign markets in 2011-2014, kt

Figure 25. Structure of production of LPG enterprises of LUKOIL in 2014, %

Figure 26. Dynamics of supplies of LPG production of CJSC "NOC" on the domestic market and for export in 2010-2014, kt

Figure 27. Schematic diagram of the production of JSC NOVATEK

Figure 28. Dynamics of production of tank wagons in the CIS in 2007-2014 and the share of tank wagons for liquefied petroleum gases, thousand units, %

Figure 29. Dynamics of production of tank wagons for the transport of LPG in the CIS in 2007-2014.

Figure 30. Structure of production of tank wagons for transportation of LPG by major manufacturers in 2007-2014,%

Figure 31. Structure of freight rolling stock in Russia in 2013, %

Figure 32. Dynamics of freight (billion ton-km) and traffic volumes (million tonnes) rail transport in Russia in 1992-2014.

Figure 33. Dynamics of rental rates (thousand rubles/day) and price (million rubles, without VAT) for tank-wagons for LPG in Russia in 2008-2014

Figure 34. The dynamics of transport of LPG and NGL rail in 2009-2014, mln t

Figure 35. Forecast write-off of tank wagons for LPG in 2014-2025 G., PCs.

Figure 36. The structure of transportation of LPG main operating companies in 2013, %

Figure 37. The structure of the fleet of gas tankers in Russia osnovnym operators in 2013, %

Figure 38. Dynamics of production, export and consumption of LPG in Russia in 2009-2014, mln t

Figure 39. Structure of consumption of LPG in Russia in 2014 by sectors, %

Figure 40. The structure of the market of motor fuel in Russia in 2013, %

Figure 41. Pattern of supplies of LPG fuel by Federal districts of Russia in 2012-2014, %

Figure 42. Schematic diagram of the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials for the petrochemical industry

Figure 43. Structure of consumption of light hydrocarbon feedstock to the petrochemical industry in Russia 2005-2013, %

Figure 44. Dynamics of supplies of raw NGL rail and pipeline transport in 2007-2014, mln t

Figure 45. Schematic diagram of the production in “ZabNeftechim-2"

Figure 46. Dynamics of export of liquefied petroleum gas in Russia 2007-2014, mln t

Figure 47. Geographic pattern of Russian export of liquefied petroleum gas in 2007-2014, kt

Figure 48. Commodity structure of export of liquefied petroleum gas in Russia 2007-2014, kt

Figure 49. The structure of exports of LPG through the ports and railway border crossings in 2007-2014, %

Figure 50. Dynamics of Russian export of liquefied petroleum gas through the ports of the Baltic and black sea basins in 2007-2014, kt

Figure 51. The structure of exports of LPG through the ports in 2011-2014, %

Figure 52. Dynamics of LPG transit through the territory of Russia in 2009-2014, mln t

Figure 53. Dynamics of average producer prices for propane and butane are liquefied in the supply to the domestic market and for export in Russia in 2012-2014, RUB/t

Figure 54. Dynamics of average producer price of LPG by Federal districts in 2012-2014, RUB/t

Figure 55. Dynamics of export duties on LPG in 2014-2015, $/t

Figure 56. Forecast LPG production in Russia up to 2020, mln t


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Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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