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Nouvelles de la societe
- Avangard, LLC
- Avtoframos JSC
- Agranova, Ltd.
- Azot, Kemerovo JSC
- AK Bars Development, JSC
- Ackermann Cement, JSC
- Aconite NPO, Ltd.
- Alabuga, JSC SEZ PPT
- Aleksinskoye glass, CJSC
- Almazzolotocomplect, JSC
- Almazintech - consulting and engineering Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Alvaztechproect Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Altay-Koks, JSC
- Altaysoda, LLC
- Alfa Polymer, Ltd
- Alpha Cement JSC
- Amtek, LLC
- Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), State Budgetary Institution
- Anosit, FKP
- Apatit, JSC
- Armavir electro-metallurgical works, LTD
- Arkhangelskgeolrazvedka, JSC
- Arkhangelsk pulp-and-paper mill (Arkhbum) JSC
- Association for the Development of Additive Technologies
- Atakaycement, LLC
- Atomredmetzoloto JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- Bazalt NPO, LLC
- Bazovye investitsii LLC
- BazelCement Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Bayer, JSC
- Baikalruda JSC
- Baikal minerals, LLC
- Bakor, NTC, OOO
- Balasheyskiye peski JSC
- Bang & Bosomer
- Bassol JSC
- BASF Mining Solutions ( Recomendaciones )
- Bashirskaya Khimia JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- BashNIPIneft' Ltd.
- Baker Tilli Rusaudit
- Belgorkhimprom, JSC
- Belneftekhim-Ros Ltd.
- Bentonit JSC
- SBS Consulting
- Biysk glass-plastic plant
- Biokhimplast JSC
- Biya-Sintes Ltd.
- Bobrovskiy kvartsit Ltd.
- Borovichi refraсtory combine JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- Boston Consulting Group
- Braer, TD, OOO
- Company BS Dmitrov, OOO
- VAKTEC Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Verkhneye Stroyenie Puti, JSC
- Virial Ltd.
- Vishnevogorsk GOK JSC
- Vladimir Chemical Plant Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- VNII Galurgy, JSC
- VNIINM A.A.Bochvar by name, JSC
- Volga JSC
- Volgo-Cement JSC
- Volzhsky Abrasive Plant, JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- Volzhskiy Orgsintez JSC
- Vologda conveyor systems TD Ltd.
- Wolfram Company, JSC
- Voskresensk mineral fertilizers JSC
- Vostok Ingineering
- Vostokcement Ltd.
- Russian Bank of region development (VBPP) JSC
- VEB Engineering Ltd.
- Gazprom VNIIGAZ Ltd.
- Gazprom Gazenergoset' JSC
- Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz JSC
- Gazprom neft' JSC
- Gazprom sera Ltd.
- Gazprom JSC
- Gazpromneft-Catalytic Systems, LLC
- Gazprom - SM JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- Gazpromneft - Technological Partnerships, LLC
- Gazprom-razvitiye JSC
- Gazexport Ltd.
- Galion TD, JSC
- GaloPolymer JSC
- Georesource Ltd.
- Geotekhnologia NPK, JSC
- Hydrometallurgia UK, LLC
- Hyprovostokneft', JSC
- Global-Caustic Ltd.
- Mining-Chemical Company Ltd.
- Mining and Chemical Combine (MCC), FSUE
- Mining Advisory Council ( Recomendaciones )
- State Transport Leasing Company (GTLK), JSC
- Ilim Group JSC
- LSR Group JSC
- NITOL Group Ltd.
- Decor UK Ltd.
- Domedko-Khaksli JSC/
- Dragtsvetmet JSC
- Grillmek R, LLC
- Eurasholding
- Mineral-chemical company "Eurochem" ( Recomendaciones )
- ERG Sales, LLC
- Zhuravsky ocher plant, JSC
- Aluminum Alloy Plant, OJSC
- Aerolife Plant, LLC
- Plant SST Warm floors, LLC
- JSC "Plant Elastic"
- Zagorsk tube plant, JSC
- Zlatoust Electrometallurgical Plant, TD, LLC
- IZTM Engineering, OOO
- Engineering and Consulting IES, LLC
- Inesko, LLC
- Institute of Coal Chemistry and Chemical Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS IUHM) ( Recomendaciones )
- Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPM SB RAS)
- Intergrad, JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- Ishimbay Specialized Chemical Plant of Catalysts (ISHZK), LLC
- Kamensk glass container plant (KSTZ), JSC
- JSC "Caustic"
- Kemerovo scientific center of SB RAS
- Kovdor GOK, JSC
- Kola Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center
- Composites without borders, ANO SOPK ( Recomendaciones )
- Krasnobor, JSC
- Krastsvetmet, JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- PJSC "Krontif-Center" ( Recomendaciones )
- LB Minerals, LLC
- Luch, Research Institute NPO, Federal State Unitary Enterprise
- Magnesite Ogneupor Group
- Magnetic fluid STC, Ltd ( Recomendaciones )
- Mining Element, LLC
- Makros-M Ltd. (Moscow)
- Machine-building plant, JSC (MSZ)
- International Bureau for processing of industrial waste ( Recomendaciones )
- Metalloinvest, Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Metallurgy of precious metals, Industrial group, Lев ( Recomendaciones )
- Millerovskiy GOK, JSC
- Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and management, Journal ( Recomendaciones )
- Molirus, OOO
- MorTransNiiProekt, NPK, LLC
- Mosstroytrans Corporation, JSC
- Kazanskiy, Meat-packing plant Ltd.
- NVP Center-ESTAgeo Ltd ( Recomendaciones )
- Nevinomysskiy Azot, JSC
- Nika-Petrotek, OOO ( Recomendaciones )
- Novgorod GIAP, Ltd.
- Novorolovsky GOK, CJSC
- Novoorsk ceramics, PAO
- Novorosmetall, JSC
- JSC "Novosibirsk plant of chemical concentrates"
- JSC «Novosibirsk tin combine» (JSC «NOK»)
- Nordinves, Ltd.
- Nord Pulp, OOO
- JSC "Mining-metallurgical company "Norilsk Nickel"
- NSplav, Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Obukhovskiy plant JSC
- ODK-Aviadvigatel, JSC
- OKS-Trade, OOO
- Okside, LLC
- Omsktekhuglerod, LLC
- ONKH-Holding, OOO
- Orenburg Minerals, JSC
- Outotec St.Petersburg, JSC
- The first non-metallic company (PNK), JSC
- PMH-Transport, LLC
- Polar Ltd (Moscow)
- Polymetall, JSC
- Polyplast-UralSib, Ltd.
- PolyEx, JSC
- Polyus, JSC
- Promsnab Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Group «Industrial Investors»
- Pskov factory Titan-Polymer, LLC
- R-Pharm, JSC
- Radium Institute by name V.G. Khlopin JSC
- ReaSib NPO, LLC
- Rare earth, Journal ( Recomendaciones )
- Renaissance Capital
- PJSC "Renova"
- RIVS, Ltd.
- RN-BashNIPIneft Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- RN-Dragmet, LLC
- Rosatom MetalTech, LLC
- RosBusinessConsulting (RBC)
- Rosneft' NK, JSC
- Russian Electronics JSC
- Russian Geological Society (ROSGEO) ( Recomendaciones )
- Roskhimzashchita Corporation, JSC
- PS, Frolovo Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- RUK (Raspadskaya coal company), LLC
- Company "Russian Aluminium"
- Rusat, LLC
- Rusvinil, OOO
- RusGazBurenie Ltd.
- Rusmet, Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Rusolovo, PJSC
- RusSilika, LLC
- Russian mining-chemical society
- RFNC-VNIITF Academician E.I. Zababakhina, Federal State Unitary Enterprise
- Sapphire, LLC PIUC
- Sakhatrans Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Sayanskhimplast, JSC
- Sever Minerals, JSC
- Severstal, PJSC
- Seligdar, OJSC
- Sibelco Rus Ltd.
- LLC "SibMetalTorg"
- SibNIIugleobogashchenie, Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Sibsteklo JSC
- Sibugol Ltd.
- AK "Sibur"
- AK "Sibur" ( Recomendaciones )
- Silarus Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Silicate, LLC
- SILUR Ltd.
- Scantel Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- JSC "Soda" (Sterlitamak)
- Solar Systems, LLC
- JSC "Solikamsk magnesium plant"
- Sol Rusi, PJSC
- Solfer, OOO
- Somex, JSC
- Soyuznihrom NPO, CJSC
- Soyuzoptkhim Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- JSC "SUMZ" (Sredneuralsk copper smelter)
- Stal VPO, Ltd.
- StaroVed Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Starocementniy plant (SCZ) Ltd.
- Sukholozhskcement, LLC
- TAIF, JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- Titan-Polymer, OOO
- Titanovye Investitsii Ltd.
- Pipe Metallurgical Company, PJSC
- TMS group, UK, OOO
- Transvagonmash, Ltd.
- Transport integration Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- TransSiberia Mining Company, Ltd.
- Trinity, GNC, LLC
- Troitskiy Metallurgical plant Ltd.
- Trumpf, Ltd.
- Tulagiprohim, JSC
- Tupolev, OJSC
- Tyumen Petroleum Research Center, LLC
- Administration of internal affairs in the Central Administrative District of Russian Federation
- Coal-engineering, LLC
- UniChemTek, JSC
- Uralizvest, TD LLC
- Uralredmet JSC
- Uralchem Innovation, LLC
- Ural mining-metallurgical company
- Ural Steel, JSC
- Ural factory of anti-icing materials (UZPM), LLC
- Ural-Cement, LLC
- LLC "URSA-Eurasia"
- USSK Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Faberlik, JSC
- Format-EK, LLC
- Formmaterialy, LLC
- Phosagro-Cherepovets, JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- Fryanovsky Ceramic Plant, LLC
- Mine administration "Sadkinskoe", LLC
- Halmek Lithium, Ltd. ( Recomendaciones )
- Chemkor, JSC
- Chemical and Metallurgical Plant (KhMZ), PJSC
- ChimProm, PJSC
- Holsim (Rus) SM, LLC
- Center for the Development of Hydroabrasive Technologies, LLC (CRGT)
- Centrotech NPO, LLC
- Tsinkum, LLC
- Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant, PAO ( Recomendaciones )
- Chelyabinsk electrolytic zinc plant (ChETsZ)
- JSC "Chepetsk mechanical plant" ( Recomendaciones )
- Cherkesskstrom, LLC
- ChTPZ-Engineering
- JSC "Chusovskoi metallurgical plant"
- EGRK Ltd.
- Air Products, Ltd.
- ECOSyntez, JSC
- El 6, LLC
- Elektromash, JSC
- Electroistochnik, NPP Ltd.
- Energostroy, RK LLC
- ENERGOPROM, JSC ( Recomendaciones )
- ETiProducts Ltd ( Recomendaciones )
- South Ural Mining and Processing Company (YUGPK), LLC
- JSC "Yuzhno-Uralsky nickel combine"
- BDO Unicon Consulting
- Unilever Rus Ltd.
- USM Management, LLC
- Avtooyna, LLC (Uzbekistan)
- Aktobe plant of chromium compounds JSC (Kazakhstan)
- Altyn Kanun (Kazakhstan)
- Altyn Kumushtak Mining Ltd. (Kyrghyzstan) ( Recomendaciones )
- Arai pro LTD (Kazakhstan) ( Recomendaciones )
- Araltuz JSC (Kazakhstan)
- Armenian Copper Programme, CJSC ( Recomendaciones )
- BSK Karatau, TOO (Kazakhstan)
- Bakai-Ata Minerals, LLC (Kyrgyzstan)
- Belaruskali JSC (Belarus)
- Bishofite Ukraine
- Central Asia Gold Соrр., ТОО (Kazakhstan)
- Vasilkovsky GOK (Kazakhstan)
- General AIM, ТОО (Kazakhstan)
- GeoMineProject Ltd.(Kazakhstan)
- Mining-metallurgical company "Tau-Ken" Ltd, (Kazakhstan)
- Good Creative, Ltd (Kazakhstan)
- GRK "Koksu", LLP (Kazakhstan)
- Dala Mining, ТОО (Kazakhstan)
- «DVS company» LLC (Ukraine)
- "Donetsksteel" Metallurgical plant, JSC (Ukraine)
- Zhezkazganredmet, RGP (Kazakhstan)
- Zarya NPP, LLC (Ukraine)
- ENRC Marketing Kazakhstan
- ERG Commercial Centre, LLC (Kazakhstan)
- Eurasian Group, LLP (Kazakhstan)
- The Eurasian development Bank (Kazakhstan)
- EuroMineral, Ltd. (Ukraine)
- InterTradeCorporation, LLP (Kazakhstan)
- Institute of high technologies, LLP (Kazakhstan)
- The Institute of combustion problems, RGP (Kazakhstan)
- Kaz Chemicals, LLC (Kazakhstan)
- KAZ Minerals Bozymchak (Kazakhstan)
- KazAzot, JSC (Kazakhstan)
- KazCopper (Kazakhstan)
- Kazmekhanobr, DGP (Kazakhstan)
- TNK "Kazchrome" JSC (Kazakhstan)
- "Kazzinc" JSC (Kazakhstan) ( Recomendaciones )
- Karaganda complex alloys plant, LLP (Kazakhstan)
- Karazhal Operating Ltd. (Kazakhstan)
- Kaustik JSC (Kazakhstan)
- KMG Kashagan (Kazakhstan)
- Kostanay minerals JSC (Kazakhstan)
- Kazakhmys Corporation (Kazakhstan)
- Kronimet Metal Trading JSC (Armenia)
- Kyrghyzindustria JSC (Kyrghyzstan)
- Lisichansk soda JSC (Ukraine)
- LMZ Universal, JSC (Belarus)
- Masalsky GOK, LLP (Kazakhstan)
- Metinvest Holding, LLC (Ukraine)
- MunayKurylysService, TOO (Kazakhstan)
- NEGS Geosfera, LLC (Kazakhstan)
- Nairit JSC (Armenia)
- Research Engineering Center ERG, LLP (Kazakhstan)
- Naftan JSC (Belarus)
- National Center of Technological Development (NCTD)
- New Tech, LLC (Kyrgyzstan)
- Association Fiberglass, JSC (Ukraine)
- Oxipharm Ltd. (Belarus)
- Outotek, TOO (Kazakhstan)
- Pavlodar-Soda, LLC (Kazakhstan)
- QazaqSoda, TOO (Kazakhstan)
- ProMS, Ltd, (Kazakhstan)
- Pavlodar petrochemical plant, PJSC (Kazakhstan) ( Recomendaciones )
- Prommashkomplekt, Ltd. (Kazakhstan)
- Railcast systems, LLC (Kazakhstan)
- Resources Capital Group, ТОО (Kazakhstan) ( Recomendaciones )
- Samruk-Kazyna Invest LLP (Kazakhstan)
- SAT Energy Ltd. (Kazakhstan)
- Sulfuric acid plant of Kazatomprom JV LLP (Kazakhstan)
- SKZ-U (Kazakhstan)
- Slavyansky High-Voltage Insulator Plant, JSC (Ukraine)
- Syrymbet, JSC (Kazakhstan) ( Recomendaciones )
- Tengiztransgaz, ТОО (Kazakhstan)
- Talco Management (Tadjikistan)
- Ulba Fluorine Complex LLP (Kazakhstan)
- Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC (Kazakhstan)
- UPNK-PV, Ltd. (Kazakhstan)
- South Kyrgyz Cement CJSC (Kyrghyzstan)