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Plastic Lubricants (Grease) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (5th edition)
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This report is the fifth edition of the study of market of lubricants in Russia.
The purpose of research – analysis of the Russian market greases.
The objects of study are greases – lithium, lithium complex, sodium and sodium-calcium, calcium hydrated calcium anhydrous calcium complex, aluminum, other soap, inorganic, organic, hydrocarbon, semi-liquid.
This work is a Desk study. As information sources used data of Rosstat, Federal customs service of Russia, statistics of railage, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, and also Internet-sites of company-producers and consumers of greases. Additionally, the review used information obtained during telephone interviews with representatives of companies-participants of the market.
The chronological scope of the study: 1997-2016; Outlook 2017-2025.
Geography research: Russian Federation – a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
The report consists of 8 sections, contains 193 pages, including 41 figure, 53 tables and 5 applications.
In the first Chapter of the report presents classification and technology of lubricants.
In the second and third chapters analyze the production of these products. In particular, the second Chapter presents data on volumes and structure of production, traces dynamics of production of lubricants by Russian enterprises in 2001-2016 the third Chapter introduces the enterprise-producers (the dynamics and structure of production, financial indicators, trends in the supply of products, development plans).
In the fourth Chapter of the report describes foreign trade operations with the greases in the 2007-2016 analysis of volumes and directions of export-import supplies.
The fifth Chapter deals with the dynamics of prices for lubricants in the domestic and foreign markets.
The sixth and seventh sections cover the Russian consumer market of lubricants. We have analysed in detail pattern of consumption of these products, the balance of "production-consumption".
The seventh Chapter provides an overview of the main branches of consumption, a description of the largest Russian enterprises-consumers.
In the eighth Chapter of the report presents forecast of development of Russian market greases for the period up to 2025.
Provided including the addresses and contact information on main Russian company-producers and consumers of greases.
Target audience research:
- market participants greases – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and specialists taking management decisions, working in the lubricant market.
I. Classification and technology of lubricants
I. 1. Classification of lubricants and their characteristics
I. 2. Technology of production of lubricants
II. Production of greases in Russia
II.1. Structure of Russian production of greases in 1992-2016
II.2. Dynamics of production of greases in Russia in 1997-2016
III. The current state of the main enterprise-producers of greases in Russia
III.1. A group of producers of greases, being in structure of oil refineries
III.2. A group of specialized producers of greases
III.3. A group of producers of greases, being in structure of other plants
III.4. Other producers of greases
IV. Russian export-import of greases
IV.1. The volume of export-import of lubricants in Russia 2007-2016
IV.2. Tendencies and features of Russian import of lubricants in 2004-2016
IV.3. Brief description of the main foreign suppliers of lubricants to the Russian market
IV.4. Tendencies and features of Russian exports of greases in 2007-2016
V. Review of prices on greases
V. 1. Domestic prices on greases in Russia in 1999-2016
V. 2. Russian export-import prices on the greases in the 2007-2016
VI. Consumption of greases in Russia
VI.1. The balance of production and consumption of greases in Russia in 2003-2016
VI.2. Sectoral structure of consumption of greases in Russia
VI.3. The greatest Russian company-consumers of lubricants in 2004-2016
VII. Current state and prospects of consuming industries
VII.1. Situational analysis and prospects of development of railway transport in Russia
VII.2. Situational analysis and prospects of development fuel and energy complex of Russia
VII.3. Situational analysis and prospects of development of Russian metallurgical industry
VII.4. Situational analysis and prospects of development of engineering in Russia
VII.5. Situational analysis and prospects of development of motor industry in Russia
VII.6. Other industries that consume lubrication
VIII. Forecast of production and consumption of greases in Russia for the period up to 2025
Appendix 1. Labeling of greases according to GOST 23258-78
Appendix 2. The scheme of organization of high-speed and high-speed traffic on the network of JSC "RZD" for the period up to 2030
Appendix 3. The largest machine-building enterprises of Russia
Appendix 4. Contact information on main enterprise-producers of greases in Russia
Appendix 5. Contact information on main company-consumers of lubricants in Russia
Table 1: Composition of some grease, manufactured by Russian enterprises for various industries
Table 2: Classification of greases NLGI
Table 3: Structure of production of lubricants in Russia in 1992-2016, thousand t, %
Table 4: Production of lubricants in Russia by enterprises in 2001-2016, kt
Table 5: Main grease, produced by LLC "Gazpromneft-SM"
Table 6: Key consumers of lubricants of production of LLC "Gazpromneft-SM", t
Table 7: Lubricants, produced by JSC "Neftemaslozavod"
Table 8: the Main consumers of lubricants of JSC "Neftemaslozavod" in 2004-2016, t
Table 9: Selected financial indicators of JSC "Neftemaslozavod" in 2005-2016, mln.
Table 10: Lubricants, produced by JSC "RNMZ rikos
Table 11: Lubricants, produced by JSC "Moscow Neftemaslozavod"
Table 12: Lubricants, manufactured by OOO "Misma-ROS" and their prices (April 2017), RUB/t
Table 13: Lubricants, produced by LLC "Kazansky Zavod rikos - Smazochnye materialy"
Table 14: Lubricants, manufactured by OOO NPP "Plasma" and their prices (from January 2017), RUB/kg
Table 15: Main indicators of foreign trade in lubricants in Russia in 2007-2016, t, thousand $
Table 16: Russian imports of lubricants in directions of deliveries in 2007-2016, t
Table 17: Distribution of import supplies of lubricants Russia by company-producers in 2007-2016, t, %
Table 18: Distribution of import of lubricants Russia on principal firms to manufacturers and brands in 2014-2016, t, $/t
Table 19: Foreign analogues of some domestic greases
Table 20: the greatest Russian consumers of import greases in 2007-2016, t
Table 21: Russian export of lubricants by supplier in 2007-2016, t
Table 22: Russian exporters of lubricants in 2007-2016, t
Table 23: Quarterly producer prices for lubricants in Russia in 1999-2016, RUB/t (excluding VAT)
Table 24: Average annual producer prices of lubricants by region in 2000-2016, RUB/t
Table 25: Average annual import prices for greases in Russia by country-suppliers in 2013-2016, $/t
Table 26: annual Average prices of main foreign supplier of greases in Russia in 2013-2016, $/t
Table 27: Export prices of Russian producers of greases and traders in 2013-2016, $/t
Table 28: Basic indicators of the Russian market of lubricants in 2003-2016, thousand t, %
Table 29: Sectoral pattern of consumption of lubricants in 2008-2016, kt
Table 30: Sectoral structure of consumption of different types of lubricants in 2008-2016, kt, %
Table 31: Key consumers of lubricants in 2004-2016, t
Table 32: Dynamics of industrial production in Russia in a number of sectors, % to the previous year
Table 33: Length of Railways in Russia by different modes of transport in 2000-2015, thousand km
Table 34: Turnover of transport enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2000-2015, bln t-km
Table 35: Passenger traffic by types of transport in RF in 2000-2015, bln pass-km
Table 36: Structure of revenue of JSC "RZD" in 2003-2015
Table 37: Performance Indicators of JSC "RZD" in 2005-2016
Table 38: Some financial indicators of JSC "RZD" in 2004-2015
Table 39: Volumes and directions of railway supplies of lubricants of JSC "RZD" and other enterprises of railway transport in 2006-2016, t, %
Table 40: Production capacity of Gazprom Group in Russia in 2011-2015
Table 41: Pattern of NLMK Group
Table 42: Some performance indicators of JSC "NLMK" in 2012-2016
Table 43: Some financial indicators of JSC "NLMK" in 2012-2016, mln $
Table 44: Some performance indicators of JSC "EVRAZ holding" in 2008-2016
Table 45: Some financial indicators of JSC "EVRAZ holding" in 2014-2016, mln $
Table 46: Volumes and directions of railway supplies of lubricants of ZSMK in 2006-2016
Table 47: Dynamics of production of separate types of engineering products in Russia in 2007-2016, thousand.
Table 48: Grease used in the Assembly of domestic automobiles
Table 49: Key performance indicators of JSC "AVTOVAZ" in 2012-2015
Table 50: the Use of greases in vehicle components
Table 51: the Compatibility of domestic and foreign greases in vehicle components
Table 52: Key indicators of Russian market of lubricants in 2009-2016 and forecast for the period up to 2025, kt, %
Table 53: Structure of consumption of different types of lubricants in 2008-2016 and forecast for the period up to 2025, %
Figure 1: Components of greases
Figure 2: Classification of greases according to the main functions and application conditions
Figure 3: structure of the group antifriction greases
Figure 4: Change in the structure of production of lubricants in Russia in 2010-2016, th. tonnes
Figure 5: Dynamics of production of greases in Russia in 2001-2016 (kt), production growth (% pred.)
Figure 6: shares of the largest manufacturers in total Russian production of greases in 2016, %
Figure 7: Structure of the production of greases by Federal districts of Russia in 2010 and 2016, %
Figure 8: Dynamics of supplies of greases production Gazpromneft Lubricants Italia S. p.A. in Russia in 2011-2016, t
Figure 9: Dynamics of production of lubricants of LLC "Gazpromneft-SM" in 2001-2016, kt
Figure 10: sales Structure of OAO "Neftemaslozavod" by product in 2010 and 2015, %
Figure 11: Dynamics of production of lubricants of JSC "Neftemaslozavod" in 2001-2016, kt
Figure 12: Dynamics of production of lubricants of JSC "RNMZ "rikos" in 2008-2016, kt
Figure 13: Dynamics of production of lubricants of JSC "Moscow Neftemaslozavod" in 2001-2016, kt
Figure 14: Dynamics of production of lubricants JSC Fosfokhim in 2001-2016, kt
Figure 15: proportion of import and export of greases in Russia in 2007-2016, kt
Figure 16: Geographic pattern of import of lubricants Russia in 2007-2016, t
Figure 17: Dynamics of structure of Russian import of lubricants by company-producers in 2007-2016, t
Figure 18: Dynamics of structure of Russian import of lubricants by company-producers in 2007-2016, t
Figure 19: shares of the largest enterprises-exporters in the total volume of Russian exports of greases in 2016, %
Figure 20: average monthly prices of producers of lubricants in Russia in 1999-2016, RUB/t (excluding VAT)
Figure 21: Dynamics of average prices of lubricants (Euro/t) and price indices of the previous year (%) in Russia in 1999-2016
Figure 22: Dynamics of average export and import prices for greases in Russia in 2007-2016, $/t
Figure 23: Dynamics of production, export-import and "apparent" consumption of greases in Russia in 2003-2016, thousand t
Figure 24: Sectoral structure of consumption of lubricants in 2016, %
Figure 25: Dynamics of the turnover of the various types of transport in Russia in 2000-2015, bln t-km
Figure 26: Dynamics of turnover of different types of transport in Russia in 2000-2015, bln pass-km
Figure 27: plans for the development of railway network according to the "Strategy of railway transport development in Russia up to 2030"
Figure 28: Dynamics of production of oil and gas (including gas condensate) and coal in Russia in 2001-2016
Figure 29: Structure of oil production in Russia in 2016, %
Figure 30: Structure of gas production in Russia in 2016, %
Figure 31: coal Production in Russia by the main basins in 2008-2016, mln t
Figure 32: Structure of Park of a transport complex of the oil and gas industry, %
Figure 33: Dynamics of oil (million tons) gas production (billion m3), Gazprom in 2008-2016
Figure 34: Dynamics of production of steel, cast iron and ferrous metals in Russia in 2005-2016, mln t
Figure 35: location Map of main production capacities in the Russian steel industry
Figure 36: Dynamics of production of steel pipes in Russia in 2001-2016, mln t
Figure 37: Dynamics of production of some kinds of metal products in Russia in 2005-2016, kt
Figure 38: location of the main centers of engineering in Russia
Figure 39: Structure of production of passenger cars in Russia in 2015 by producers, %
Figure 40: Dynamics of production of cars of JSC "AVTOVAZ" in 1990-2015, thousand.
Figure 41: Forecast of production and consumption of greases in Russia for the period up to 2025