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Mica (Muscovite) in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)

Nombre de pages: 110 Nombre de tables: 27 Le nombre de chiffres: 22
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 20.02.2012
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Télécharger
Prix: 1 800 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of mica-muscovite in CIS countries and forecast of its development. The report consists of 6 Sections, contains 113 pages including 22 figure, 27 tables. The work is desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, the official statistics of rail transportation of "Railways", and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, as well as web-sites of company-producers and consumers of muscovite.
In the first chapter of the report presents brief characteristics of raw-material base of muscovite in Russia and CIS countries. The basic field and small-size sheet of muscovite, presents the regional pattern of location of a given kind of raw material in Russia, data on stocks of major oil fields.
In the second chapter of the report describes the basic properties of mica-muscovite. This section provides statistical data on production of muscovite in Russia in 1999-2011, described the processing of ores containing muscovite shows characteristic mica production. In addition, the brief description of enterprises-producers of muscovite.
The third chapter describes the current status of the leading companies-producers of muscovite in Russia, including information about the range of products, volumes and destinations of supplies over the past few years, as well as plans for further development of production. In addition, new projects are presented for the extraction of muscovite in Russia.
In the fourth chapter of the report analyzes foreign trade operations of Russia and Kazakhstan with muscovite. Presents statistical data on the volume of foreign trade in bulk and in money terms, regional structure of export and import of muscovite, data on volumes and destinations of supplies of major exporters and importers.
The fifth chapter is devoted to analysis of consumption of muscovite in Russia. This section provides a supply-demand balance of muscovite in 1999-2011, estimated sectoral and regional pattern of consumption of muscovite, described the current state of the greatest enterprise-consumers of muscovite.
The sixth, final Section of the report presents forecast of market development of muscovite in Russia up to 2017.
The appendix contains some brand GOSTs muscovite, in addition, includes addresses and contact information on company-producers and consumers of muscovite.


1. Reserves and deposits of mica in the CIS
1.1. Resources base of Russia
1.1.1. Deposits of sheet muscovite
1.1.2. Deposits of small-size muscovite

1.2. Resources base of other CIS countries
2. Mining and production of mica
2.1. General properties, requirements for the quality of mica-muscovite
2.2. Brief description of the mica mining companies
2.3. Processing of ore containing mica, the mining companies
2.4. Brief description of production slyudoobrabatyvayuschego
3. Current standing of company-producers of muscovite in CIS
3.1. LLC "GOK" Mamslyuda "(Irkutsk region, Mama)
3.2. JSC "Malyshevskoye Rudoupravlenie" (MRU) (Sverdlovsk region., Asbest)
3.3. JSC «Muscovite» (Murmansk region., Rikolatva)
3.4. Company "Artel Chuya LTD" (Irkutsk region, Mama)
3.5. JSC "Balashovslyuda» (Saratov region., Balashov)
3.6. JSC "Slyuda" (Nizhny Novgorod region., Filinskoye)
3.7. Projects for the production of muscovite
3.7.1. LLC "Silicate" (Irkutsk)
3.7.2. LLC «Vitim» (Irkutsk region).

4. Foreign trade operations with mica
4.1. Export-import of muscovite in Russia in 1999-2011
4.1.1. Exports of muscovite in Russia
4.1.2. Imports of muscovite in Russia

4.2. Export-import of mica Kazakhstan in 2000-2011
5. Market conditions muscovite
5.1. Supply-demand balance of muscovite in Russia in 1999-2011
5.2. Structure of consumption of mica in Russia
5.3. The main company-consumers of muscovite in Russia
5.3.1. JSC "Holding Company" Elinar "(Moscow Region., Naro-Fominsk rn, n. Ateptsevo)
5.3.2. JSC "Geocom" (Kaluga region, n. Linen Factory)
5.3.3. Electrode plants in Russia

6. Prospects for the industry muscovite in Russia before 2017.
Appendix 1
GOST 10698-80. Mica. Types, brands and key parameters
GOST 14327-82. Muscovite mica ground electrode (JMO)
GOST 3028-78. Plucked mica (SMSCH)
GOST 13752-86. Mica cutoff muscovite for water measuring column high-pressure boilers (SMOG)
Appendix 2. Contact information on company-producers of muscovite and its products of muscovite
Appendix 3. Contact information on main enterprise-producers of welding electrodes in Russia, consuming muscovite concentrates

Table 1. Geographic location of balance reserves of sheet muscovite in 2010, kt crude mica
Table 2. The main deposits of muscovite, crude mica
Table 3. Geographic location of reserves and production in the small-size muscovite, 2010, crude mica
Table 4. The degree of industrial development of small-size deposits of muscovite on 01.01.2011, crude mica
Table 5. Chemical, physical and technological properties of mica-muscovite
Table 6. Natural and technological types of muscovite mica deposits of raw materials
Table 7. The list of main standards and technical specifications for mica in the CIS
Table 8. Characteristics of enterprise-producers of muscovite
Table 9. Characterization of muscovite ground marks SME-315 manufactured by JSC "MRU" (GOST 14327-82)
Table 10. Characteristics of feldspar concentrates of production of JSC " MRU " (TU 952814-2002)
Table 11. The greatest foreign consumers of muscovite of JSC " MRU " in 2006-2011, t
Table 12. The greatest Russian consumers of muscovite, revised JSC " MRU " in 2006-2011, t
Table 13. Output promsyrtsa and various groups of muscovite Rikolatva mine during its operation (1971-1983.)
Table 14. The nomenclature of ground muscovite of JSC “Balashovslyuda"
Table 15. The greatest foreign consumers of muscovite of JSC “Balashovslyuda" in 2003-2006, t
Table 16. Domestic suppliers of muscovite and phlogopite at JSC «Mica» in 2005-2011, t
Table 17. The greatest foreign consumers of muscovite of JSC «Mica» in 2003-2006, t
Table 18. Foreign trade of muscovite in Russia 1999-2011, t
Table 19. Exports of Russian ground muscovite in 2007-2011 and its consumers, t, thousand $, $ / t
Table 20. Exports of Russian sheet, plucked muscovite, as well as scrap in 2007-2010 and its consumers, t, thousand $, $ / t
Table 21. Exporting countries of muscovite in Russia in 2010-2011, t, thousand $, $ / t
Table 22. Company-consumers of imported muscovite in 2007-2011, directions and volumes of their supplies, t, thousand $, t
Table 23. Supply-demand balance of muscovite (leaf and ground) in Russia in 1999-2011, t,%
Table 24. Supply-demand balance of muscovite ground in Russia in 2007-2011, t,%
Table 25. The greatest Russian company-consumers of muscovite in 2010-2011, t,%
Table 26. The chemical composition and physical characteristics mikroslyudy FRAMICA ® of PJSC "Geocom"
Table 27. Quality indicators mikroslyudy FRAMICA ® of PJSC "Geocom"

Figure 1. Dynamics of mining muscovite - industrial raw material in Russia in 1999-2011, t
Figure 2. Dynamics of mining muscovite LLC "GOK" Mamslyuda "in 1999-2006, t
Figure 3. Dynamics of production of muscovite (m) of JSC "MRU" and its share in total Russian production (%) in the 1999-2011
Figure 4. Block diagram of muscovite obtain products and related wastes in the JSC «Muscovite»
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of muscovite of JSC «Muscovite» in 1999-2006, t
Figure 6. Dynamics of ground muscovite and phlogopite of "Balashovslyuda" in 2007-2011, t
Figure 7. Dynamics of ground muscovite and phlogopite of "Mica" in 2007-2011, t
Figure 8. Dynamics of export and import of muscovite (leaf and ground), the Russian Federation in 1999-2011, t
Figure 9. Dynamics of Russian export of ground muscovite (t) and average prices ($ / t) in the 1999-2011
Figure 10. The share of exports in the production of muscovite in Russia in 1999-2011,%
Figure 11. Export supplies of ground muscovite of JSC "MRU" in the 2005-2011, t, thousand $
Figure 12. Dynamics of imports of sheet muscovite in Russia in bulk and in money terms in 2005-2011, t, thousand $
Figure 13. Dynamics of imports of ground muscovite in Russia in 2005-2011, t, thousand $
Figure 14. Dynamics of procurement sheet of muscovite of JSC "Holding Elinar" and average prices "in 2007-2011, t, $ / t
Figure 15. Dynamics of import supplies of sheet mica in Kazakhstan in 2000-2010, t
Figure 16. Dynamics of production, exports, imports and consumption of muscovite (ground and sheet) in Russia in 1999-2011, t
Figure 17. Structure of consumption of muscovite in Russia in 2011,%
Figure 18. Dynamics of import supplies of sheet muscovite in HK "Elinar" in the 2005-2011, t
Figure 19. Dynamics of supplies of ground muscovite of JSC "Malysheva RU" in the company "Geocom" in the 2005-2011, t
Figure 20. Dynamics of production of welding electrodes in Russia in 2000-2011, Kt
Figure 21. Shares of companies electrode industry in the Russian production of welding electrodes in 2010,%
Figure 22. Forecast of consumption of muscovite in Russia until 2017, t


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