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Fluxes for Metallurgy in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This review is the first edition of the flux material market research (in the production of agglomerate, iron ore pellets, cast iron and smelting of converter and electric steel), including limestone, lime, dolomite and fluorite in Russia.
Market monitoring has been ongoing since 2010.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of flux materials.
The object of research is flux materials used in the production of agglomerate, iron ore pellets, cast iron and smelting of converter and electric steel (limestone, lime, dolomite and fluorite).
During the preparation of this report, experts from InfoMine used data from the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, railway statistics, the materials of the annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, materials from various analytical companies, the materials of the central and regional media, -sites of the described enterprises.
Chronological framework of the study: 2010 - 2016, estimate 2017 and forecast up to 2030.
Geography of the study: the Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
The report consists of 9 chapters, contains 206 pages, including 166 tables, 32 figures and an appendix.
The first chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of limestone, dolomite and fluorite reserves in Russia. This section provides information on the number of limestone and dolomite deposits, their geographical location and reserves. In addition, requirements for the quality of limestone, dolomite for metallurgy, quality of lime and fluorite quality are presented.
The second chapter analyzes the data on the volumes of limestone mining and presents data on individual enterprises that extract it.
In the third chapter of the report, data on the extraction and production of dolomite in Russia in 2010-2016 are analyzed. The chapter also presents data on individual enterprises that produce and produce dolomite for metallurgy.
The fourth chapter of the report analyzes data on volumes and regional production of lime, including technological lime in Russia in 2010-2016. Data on lime production by individual ferrous metallurgy enterprises are presented.
In the fifth chapter of the report, data on fluorite production in Russia in 2010-2016, including those for individual enterprises, were analyzed.
The sixth chapter of the study presents data on the balance of production and consumption of limestone, dolomite, lime and fluorite in Russia in 2010-2016.
The seventh chapter of the report analyzes the consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, iron ore pellets, pig iron, steel smelting in Russia, including in the regional plan and for individual ferrous metallurgy enterprises. At the same time, in the assessment of flux consumption in the production of steel, only the costs of converter and electric steel were taken into account.
In the eighth chapter of the report, prices for limestone and lime in the domestic market of Russia are analyzed.
In the ninth chapter of the report the forecast of limestone, dolomite and lime production for the period up to 2030 and their consumption in ferrous metallurgy for the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel are presented.
In the appendix addresses and contact information of the Russian market participants of individual fluxes are given.
The target audience of the study:
- participants in the flux material market - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists working in the market of fluxes.
1. Reserves and deposits of limestone, dolomite and fluorite in Russia, requirements for the quality of flux materials
1.1. Location and condition of fluxed limestone stocks
1.2. Requirements for the quality of limestone
1.3. Raw materials base of Russia's dolomite
1.4. Requirements for the quality of dolomite for metallurgy
1.5. Requirements for the quality of lime
1.5.1. Metallurgical lime
1.5.2. Building lime
1.6. Raw materials base of fluorite ores in Russia
1.7. Requirements for the quality of fluorite concentrates
2. Limestone mining in Russia
2.1. Statistics of limestone mining in 2010-2016.
2.2. Mining of limestone by individual enterprises
2.2.1. JSC "Achinsk Alumina Refinery" (Krasnoyarsk Territory)
2.2.2. JSC "Studenovsk Joint Stock Mining Company" (Lipetsk region)
2.2.3. Belorucheyskoye mine management of PJSC Severstal (Vologda region)
2.2.4. PJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" (Chelyabinsk region)
2.2.5. OOO "Yuzhno-Uralskaya GPK" (Orenburg region)
2.2.6. OJSC "Evrazruda" (Guriev branch, Kemerovo region)
2.2.7. OJSC "VGOK" (Sverdlovsk region)
2.2.8. HC "Tekhizvestnyak" (Lipetsk region)
2.2.9 CJSC "Cartel" Promsnab "(Chelyabinsk region)
2.2.10. OAO BMK / OOO Pugachevsky Caret (R. Bashkortostan)
3. Mining and production of dolomite in Russia in 2010-2016.
3.1. Statistics of dolomite production in 2010-2016.
3.2. Production and production of dolomite by individual enterprises
3.2.1. JSC "Dolomite" (Lipetsk region)
3.2.2. PJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" (Chelyabinsk region)
3.2.3. PJSC "Combine Magnezit" (Chelyabinsk region)
3.2.4. JSC "Chusovskoy Metallurgical Plant" (Perm Territory)
4. Lime production in Russia
4.1. Statistics of lime production in Russia in 2010-2016.
4.2. The production of lime by individual ferrous metallurgy enterprises
4.2.2 PJSC "MMK"
4.2.3. PJSC Severstal
5. Fluorite production in Russia in 2010-2016.
5.1. Statistics of fluorite production in 2010-2016.
5.2. Production of fluorite by individual enterprises
5.2.1. LLC "Yaroslavl Mining Company" (Primorsky Krai)
5.2.2. JSC "Zabaikalsky GOK" (OOO Ros-Shpat) (Zabaikalsky Krai)
5.2.3. LLC "Trade House" Garonsuisky GOK "» (Zabaikalsky Krai)
6. Consumption of some flux materials in Russia
6.1. The balance of production-consumption of limestone in 2010-2016.
6.2. The balance of production and consumption of dolomite in Russia in 2010-2016.
6.3. The balance of lime production and consumption in Russia in 2010-2016.
6.4. The balance of production and consumption of fluorite in Russia
7. Regional pattern of consumption of individual fluxes in the Russian Federation in the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016.
7.1. Production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in Russia and estimation of consumption of individual fluxes
7.2 Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, pellets, iron and steel in the Central Federal District
7.2.1 Assessment of the consumption of individual fluxes in PJSC "NLMK" in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel
7.2.2. Evaluation of the consumption of individual fluxes of LLC NLMK-Kaluga in steelmaking
7.2.3. Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes of JSC "OEMK" in the production of iron ore pellets and steel smelting
7.2.4. Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes of PJSC "Tulachermet" in the production of agglomerate and cast iron
7.3. Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, pellets, iron and steel in the Northwestern Federal District
7.3.1 Assessment of the consumption of individual fluxes in CherMK (PJSC Severstal) in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel
7.3.2. Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes of JSC Karelsky Okatysh in the production of iron ore pellets
7.4 Estimation of the consumption of individual fluxes in the production of steel in the Southern Federal District
7.5. Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in PFD
7.5.1 Evaluation of the consumption of individual fluxes of JSC Vyksa Steel Works in the production of steel
7.5.2. Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes of OJSC "Ural Steel" in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel
7.6. Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in the UFW
7.6.1 Assessment of consumption of individual fluxes of PJSC "MMK" in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016.
7.6.2 Assessment of consumption of individual fluxes of PJSC "ChMK" in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016.
7.6.3 Estimation of the consumption of individual fluxes in the steel production of OAO EVRAZ NTMK in 2010-2016.
7.6.4 Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes of JSC EVRAZ Kachkanarskiy GOK in the production of agglomerate
7.7. Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, pig iron and steel in the Siberian Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
7.7.1. EVRAZ ZSMK consumption estimation of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016.
7.8 Assessment of the consumption of individual fluxes in the production of steel in the Far Eastern Federal District in 2010-2016.
8. Prices for limestone and lime in 2010-2016.
9. Forecast of production and consumption of individual fluxes for ferrous metallurgy for the period up to 2030.
Appendix: Contact information of the main Russian participants of flux materials market in Russia
Table 1: Geographical location of balance reserves of fluxing limestone
Table 2: The largest deposits of limestone in Russia
Table 3: Requirements for the granulometric composition and compressive strength
Table 4: Requirements for chemical composition
Table 5: Geographical location of dolomite reserves for metallurgy in Russia, million tons
Table 6: Major developed dolomite deposits for metallurgy in the Russian Federation
Table 7: Geographic location of dolomite stocks for the glass industry in Russia, million tons
Table 8: Developed Russian dolomite deposits for the glass industry
Table 9: Requirements for the chemical composition of dolomite crude metallurgical
Table 10: Requirements for the quality of burnt metallurgical dolomite
Table 11: Quality indicators for lime metallurgy
Table 12: Requirements for the quality of air lime (GOST-9179)
Table 13: Requirements for the quality of hydraulic lime
Table 14: Types and brands of fluorspar
Table 15: Requirements for the quality of commercial fluorite-containing products
Table 16: Dynamics of limestone mining volumes in selected Federal Districts of Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 17: Dynamics of limestone mining volumes in selected regional entities of Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 18: Volume of limestone mining by large Russian enterprises in 2010-2016.
Table 19: Shipment of limestone by JSC Stagdok by railway transport in 2010-2016, kt
Table 20: Some financial indicators of OJSC Stagdok in 2010-2016.
Table 21: Supplies of limestone from Evrazruda in 2010-2016. by railway, thousand t
Table 22: Some financial indicators of Evrazruda in 2011-2016, billion rubles
Table 23: Shipment of limestone from JSC VGOK in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 24: Production of agglomerate and consumption of limestone in JSC VGOK in 2010-2016. , kt
Table 25: Some financial indicators of OJSC VGOK in 2010-2016, billion rubles
Table 26: Supplies of Limestone HC "Tehizvestnyak" to consumers in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 27: Deliveries of Limestone HC "Tehizvestnyak" to individual consumers in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 28: Deliveries of limestone for fluxing of JSC Olshansky quarry to consumers in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 29: Deliveries of the stone limestone of JSC "Olshansky quarry" to consumers in 2010-2016. by railway, thousand t
Table 30: Shipment of limestone from ZAO "Christmas Carrier" by railway transport in 2010-2016, kt
Table 31: Deliveries of limestone of ZAO "Christmas Career" to consumers in 2010-2016. by railway, thousand t
Table 32: Deliveries of limestone of ZAO "Khmelinetsky quarry" to consumers in 2010-2016. by railway, thousand t
Table 33: Shipments of CJSC "Cartel" Promsnab "limestone to consumers by rail in 2010-2016 gg, thousand tons.
Table 34: Some financial indicators of the work of CJSC "Cartel" Promsnab "in 2011-2016, million rubles
Table 35: Limestone shipments of OAO BMK / Pugachevsky Karyer LLC by rail transport in 2010-2016, thousand tonnes
Table 36: Extraction of dolomite in Russia in 2010-2016, kt
Table 37: Production of commodity dolomite in Russia in 2010-2016, kt
Table 38: Dolomite production, production and shipment of Dolomite dolomite products in 2010-2016, kt
Table 39: Directions and volumes of supplies of dolomite of metallurgical OJSC "Dolomite" in 2010-2016, kt
Table 40: Main financial and economic indicators of JSC "Dolomite" in 2010-2015, billion rubles
Table 41: Characteristics of ferruginous dolomite produced by OJSC "Magnitogorsk cement-refractory plant"
Table 42: Directions and volumes of supplies of dolomite of OJSC "Magnezit" Combine in 2006-2015, kt
Table 43: Deliveries of dolomite by JSC Chusovskaya MZ by railway transport in 2010-2016, kt
Table 44: Production of lime in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 45: Production of lime in Russia by Federal Districts in 2010-2016, kt
Table 46: Production of technological lime in Russia by Federal Districts in 2010-2016, kt
Table 47: Production of technological lime in Russia for selected territorial entities in 2010-2016, kt
Table 48: Production of technological lime at selected enterprises of ferrous metallurgy in 2010-2016, kt
Table 49: Limestone deliveries to CherMK in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 50: Shipment of lime from the assets of EVRAZ NTMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 51: Dynamics of fluorite production in Russia in 2010-2016. by enterprises, thousand tons
Table 52: Chemical composition of fluorite concentrates of JSC "Yaroslavl Mining Company",%
Table 53: Chemical composition of fluorite concentrates of OJSC "Zabaikalsky GOK"
Table 54: Balance of production and consumption of limestone in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 55: Balance of production and consumption of dolomite in 2010-2016.
Table 56: Balance of production and consumption of lime in Russia in 2010-2016, kt
Table 57: Balance of production and consumption of fluorite in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 58: Russian metallurgical enterprises - the main consumers of fluorite from Mongolia in 2010-2016, kt
Table 59: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, pellets, pig iron, converter and electric steel in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 60: Production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 61: Steel smelting by methods of production in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 62: Estimation of lime consumption in the production of agglomerate, converter and electric steel in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 63: Estimation of consumption of limestone in the production of agglomerate, pellets and pig iron in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 64: Steel smelting in selected regions of Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 65: Production of agglomerate, pellets, pig iron and steel in the Central Federal District in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 66: CFA share in the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Table 67: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in the Central Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 68: The share of individual enterprises of the Central Federal District in the consumption of limestone in the production of agglomerate, pellets and pig iron in 2010-2016,%
Table 69: The share of individual enterprises of the Central Federal District in the consumption of lime in the region in the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016,%
Table 70: The share of individual enterprises of the Central Federal District in the consumption of dolomite in the region in the production of agglomerate and pig iron in 2010-2016,%
Table 71: Deliveries of limestone, dolomite and fluxes of other railways to metallurgical enterprises of the Central Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 72: Production of ferrous metals in PJSC NLMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 73: Structure of the iron ore portion of the charge in the production of pig iron in PJSC "NLMK in 2010-2016, kg / ton of pig iron
Table 74: Estimation of the consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate in PJSC "NLMK" in 2010-2016, kt.
Table 75: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel at NLMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 76: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in steel smelting in PJSC "NLMK" in 2010-2016, kt
Table 77: Supplies of limestone in PJSC NLMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 78: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in PJSC "NLMK" in 2010-2016, kt
Table 79: Estimation of consumption of certain types of fluxes in the production of agglomerate, pig iron and steel in PJSC NLMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 80: Some financial indicators of PJSC NLMK in 2010-2016, billion rubles.
Table 81: Steel smelting at EMZ "NLMK-Kaluga" and estimation of consumption of lime at its release, kt
Table 82: Estimation of consumption of limestone and lime in JSC "OEMK" in the production of iron ore pellets and smelting of electric steel, kt
Table 83: Production of technological lime in JSC "OEMK" in 2010-2016. (thousand tonnes) and a share in Russian production (%)
Table 84: Deliveries of limestone in JSC "OEMK" by railway transport in 2010-2016, kt
Table 85: Some financial indicators of PJSC NLMK in 2011-2016, billion rubles.
Table 86: Consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in PJSC "Tulachermet" in 2010-2016, kt
Table 87: Deliveries of other fluxes in PJSC "Tulachermet" by railway transport in 2010-2016, thousand tons.
Table 88: Some financial indicators of PJSC "Tulacheremt" in 2011-2016, billion rubles.
Table 89: Production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in the North-West Federal District in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 90: NWFD share in the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Table 91: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in the North-West Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 92: The share of CherMK and JSC Karelsky Okatysh in the consumption of limestone in the NWFO during the production of agglomerate and pellets in 2010-2016,%
Table 93: Deliveries of other fluxes to metallurgical enterprises of the Northwestern Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 94: Deliveries of limestone, dolomite and fluxes of other railways to metallurgical enterprises of the North-West Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 95: Production of ferrous metals in CherMK (PJSC Severstal) in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 96: Consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate in CherMK (PJSC Severstal) in 2010-2016, kt.
Table 97: Consumption of lime in the production of steel at CherMK (PJSC Sever-Steel) in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 98: Consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel at CherMK (PJSC Severstal) in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 99: Some financial indicators of PJSC Severstal in 2010-2016, billion rubles.
Table 100: Pellet production in Karelsky Okatysh JSC and consumption of limestone and dolomite during their release in 2010-2016, kt
Table 101: Deliveries of limestone by rail transport to JSC Karelsky Okatysh in 2010-2016, kt
Table 102: Some financial indicators of JSC Karelsky Okatysh in 2010-2016, billion rubles.
Table 103: Steel smelting at the leading enterprises of the Southern Federal District in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 104: Estimation of lime consumption for steelmaking in the Southern Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 105: Estimation of lime consumption in steelmaking at individual enterprises of the Southern Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 106: Deliveries of other fluxes to ferrous metallurgy enterprises of the Southern Federal District in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 107: Deliveries of limestone to selected territorial entities of the Southern Federal District in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 108: Deliveries of limestone to ferrous metallurgy enterprises of the Southern Federal District in 2010-2016, railway transport, kt
Table 109: Deliveries of lime to ferrous metallurgy enterprises of the Southern Federal District in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 110: Deliveries of dolomite for the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy of the South Federal District in 2010-2016. railway transport, thousand tons
Table 111: Production of agglomerate, pig iron and steel in the Volga Federal District in 2010-2016, million tons.
Table 112: Share of PFD in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Table 113: Steel smelting at the leading enterprises of the PFD in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 114: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in the Volga Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 115: Deliveries of limestone, dolomite and fluxes of other railway transport to metallurgical enterprises of PFD in 2010-2016, kt
Table 116: Deliveries of limestone by rail transport to metallurgical enterprises of PFD in 2010-2016, kt
Table 117: Consumption of lime by individual enterprises of PFD for smelting electric steel in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 118: Estimation of lime consumption during smelting of steel in OJSC Vyksa Steel Works in 2010-2016, kt
Table 119: Deliveries of limestone by rail to the address of JSC Vyksa MZ in 2010-2016, kt
Table 120: Production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in JSC "Ural Steel" in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 121: Consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and smelting of electric steel in OAO Ural Steel in 2010-2016, kt
Table 122: Some financial indicators of OJSC "Ural Steel" in 2010-2016, billion rubles.
Table 123: Production of agglomerate, pellets, pig iron and steel in the UFD in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 124: The share of UFOs in the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Table 125: Steel smelting at the leading enterprises of the metallurgical complex in the Ural region in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 126: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in the UFD in 2010-2016, kt
Table 127: The share of individual UFOs in the consumption of limestone in the production of agglomerate and pig iron in 2010-2016,%
Table 128: The share of individual UFOs in the consumption of lime in the region in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016,%
Table 129: The share of individual UFOs in receiving fluxes of others by rail in 2010-2016,%
Table 130: Deliveries of limestone, dolomite and fluxes of other railways to metallurgical enterprises of the Ural Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 131: Production of ferrous metals in PJSC "MMK" in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 132: Consumption of individual fluxes of PJSC "MMK" in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016, million tons.
Table 133: Consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate in PJSC "MMK" 2010-2016, million tons.
Table 134: Consumption of lime in the smelting of converter and electric steel in PJSC "MMK" in 2010-2016, million tons.
Table 135: Lime production and extraction of limestone and dolomite on the assets of PJSC "MMK" in 2010-2016, million tons.
Table 136: Deliveries of other fluxes by rail in PJSC "MMK" in 2010-2016, kt
Table 137: Some financial indicators of PJSC "MMK" in 2010-2016.
Table 138: Production of ferrous metals in PJSC "ChMK" in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 139: Share of PJSC "ChMK" in the production of ferrous metals in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Table 140: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes of PJSC "ChMK" in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016, million tons.
Table 141: Estimation of lime consumption in the production of agglomerate and steel smelting in PJSC "CMP 2010-2016, million tons.
Table 142: Consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate in PJSC "CMP 2010-2016, million tons.
Table 143: Consumption of lime during smelting of converter and electric steel in PJSC "ChMK" in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 144: Deliveries of fluxes by railway transport to PJSC "ChMK" in 2010-2016, kt
Table 145: The main suppliers of limestone and dolomite in PJSC "ChMK" in 2010-2016, kt
Table 146: Some financial indicators of PJSC "ChMK" in 2010-2016.
Table 147: Limestone deliveries at JSC EVRAZ NTMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 148: Supplies of dolomite in OAO EVRAZ NTMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 149: Deliveries of other fluxes to JSC EVRAZ NTMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 150: Consumption of lime during the smelting of converter steel at OAO EVRAZ NTMK, kt
Table 151: Some financial indicators of JSC EVRAZ NTMK in 2010-2016, billion rubles
Table 152: Production of agglomerate and consumption of limestone during its release to JSC EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK in 2010-2016, million tons
Table 153: Limestone deliveries of EVRAZ KGOK in 2010-2016, thousand tonnes
Table 154: Consumers of iron ore raw materials (agglomerate and pellets) of EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK in the domestic market in 2010-2016, kt
Table 155: Production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in the Siberian Federal District in 2010-2016, mnlt
Table 156: The share of SFO in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Table 157: Estimation of consumption of individual fluxes in the production of agglomerate, pig iron and steel in the Siberian Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 158: Deliveries of limestone, lime, dolomite and fluxes of other railways to metallurgical enterprises of the Urals Federal District in 2010-2016, kt
Table 159: Consumption of individual fluxes of JSC "EVRAZ ZSMK" in the production of agglomerate, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016, thousand tons.
Table 160: Deliveries of individual fluxes by rail in JSC EVRAZ ZSMK in 2010-2016, kt
Table 161: Steel smelting in the Far Eastern Federal District in 2010-2016. (thousand tonnes) and the region's share in its production in Russia (%)
Table 162: Estimation of lime consumption in the production of steel in the Far Eastern Federal District in 2010-2016. kt
Table 163: Deliveries of limestone and fluxes of others in JSC Amurmetal in 2010-2016, thousand tonnes
Table 164: The main economic indicators of Russia in 2010-2017.
Table 165: Forecast of iron production, consumption of individual fluxes in ferrous metallurgy for the period up to 2030, million tons
Table 166: Forecast of limestone, dolomite and lime production in Russia for the period 2030, million tons
Figure 1: Regional structure of the distribution of dolomite reserves for metallurgy in Russia as of January 1, 2017,%
Figure 2: Dynamics of limestone mining in Russia in 2010-2016, million tons
Figure 3: The share of individual Federal Districts in Russia in limestone mining in 2010-2016,%
Figure 4: The share of certain regional entities of Russia in limestone mining in 2010-2016,%
Figure 5: Dynamics of limestone mining in JSC Achinsk Alumina Combine and the company's share in the output of this product in Russia in 2010-2016, thousand tons,%
Figure 6: Extraction of limestone by OJSC Stagdok in 2010-2016, million tons
Figure 7: Production of limestone by Belorucheisky RU (PJSC Severstal) in 2010-2016, million tonnes
Figure 8: Limestone production in PJSC MMK in 2010-2016, million tons.
Figure 9: Production of limestone in OOO "Yuzhno-Uralskaya GPK" in 2010-2016, million tons.
Figure 10: Limestone mining in Evrazruda OJSC (Gurievsky branch) in 2010-2016, million tons.
Figure 11: Production of limestone in JSC VGOK in 2010-2016, million tons.
Figure 12: The share of ferrous metallurgy enterprises in the structure of limestone shipments from assets of HC "Tekhizvestnyak" in 2010-2016,%
Figure 13: Production of limestone by OAO BMK / OOO Pugachy Career in 2010-2016, million tonnes
Figure 14: Dynamics of production and production of dolomite by JSC Dolomite in 2010-2016, kt
Figure 15: Dynamics of dolomite production by OJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" in 2010-2016, kt
Figure 16: Dynamics of production of ferruginous dolomite by JSC "Magnitogorsk cement-refractory plant" in 2010-2016, kt
Figure 17: Production of flux dolomite of PJSC "Magnezit Combine" in 2010-2016, kt
Figure 18: Dynamics of production of dolomite by JSC "Chusovskoy MZ" in 2010-2016, kt
Figure 19: The share of certain federal districts in the production of lime in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Figure 20: The share of certain federal districts in the production of technological lime in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Figure 21: The share of individual territorial entities in the production of technological lime in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Figure 22: Dynamics of lime production in PJSC NLMK and the company's share in the output of this product in Russia in 2010-2016, thousand tons,%
Figure 23: Dynamics of production of iron ore sinter, steel and lime in PJSC "NLMK" in 2010-2016, million tons
Figure 24: Dynamics of production of technological lime in PJSC "MMK" and the company's share in the output of this product in Russia in 2010-2016, thousand tons,%
Figure 25: Lime production in PJSC Severstal in 2010-2016, kt
Figure 26: Dynamics of steel production and shipment of lime to OAO EVRAZ NTMK in 2010-2016, kt
Figure 27: Dynamics of production of fluorite concentrate in Russia in 2010-2016, kt
Figure 28: Structure of steelmaking by methods of production in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Figure 29: The share of individual regions in steelmaking in Russia in 2010-2016,%
Figure 30: The share of CherMK in the consumption of lime in the NWFO during the production of agglomerate, pellets, cast iron and steel in 2010-2016,%
Figure 31: Dynamics of the level of prices for lime technological * in 2010-2017, rubles / t excluding VAT
Figure 32: Dynamics of the level of prices for limestone in 2010-2017, rubles / t excluding VAT