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Mica (Muscovite) in the World: Production, Market and Forecast

Nombre de pages: 98 Nombre de tables: 12 Le nombre de chiffres: 18
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 21.02.2012
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Prix: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of world market of mica-muscovite and forecast of its development up to 2020 The report consists of 6 Sections, contains 92 pages including 18 figures, 12 tables and three appendices.
This work is desk study. As information sources, data base of the UN Statistical Committees in various countries, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the UK (BGS), and regional press, as well as web-sites of producers and consumers of muscovite.
In the first chapter of the report gives a brief description of the world's largest oil fields, and muscovite.
The second chapter is devoted to analysis of the global mining and production of mica. The data on this type of extraction of minerals from around the world in 2001-2010, described the processing of ores containing muscovite shows characteristic mica production. In addition, the market is described muscovite some producing countries (USA, India), and summarizes the enterprise-producers of muscovite.
The third chapter shows the dynamics of prices on mica in the U.S. (2000-2010) and some other countries of the world (2007-2010).
In the fourth chapter of the report analyzes foreign trade operations with mica, presents statistical data on the volume of foreign trade, the regional structure of export and import of muscovite.
The fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of consumption of muscovite in the world and in Eastern Asia (China, Japan and South Korea). In this section, estimates sectoral structure of consumption of muscovite, described the current state of end-uses
The sixth, final Section of the report presents forecast of development of the world market of muscovite up to 2020. The Appendix presents the technical characteristics of ground muscovite, and contact details of some companies mica industries in China, Japan and South Korea.


1. World reserves and deposits of muscovite
1.1. Geological and industrial types of deposits
1.2. Brief description of the largest deposits of muscovite
1.2.1. Muscovite deposits in India
1.2.2. Mama Chu-field of muscovite in Russia
1.2.3. Mine Spruce Pine melkocheshuychatogo muscovite in the U.S.

2. Mining and production of mica
2.1. Brief description of the mica industry
2.2. Dynamics of world production and amounts of mica
2.3. The largest producing countries, and ground sheet mica
2.3.1. USA (ground mica)
2.3.2. India (mica sheets)
2.4. Some of the world's manufacturers of mica and slyudoproduktsii
Imerys (France)
Gunpatroy Pvt. Ltd. (India)
Premier Mica Company (India)
Yuanjian Minerals Co., LTD (China)
Lingshou County Xinfa Mineral Co., Ltd (China)
Hebei Celia Minerals Co., Ltd. (China)
Shijiazhuang Mining Imp & Exp Trade Co., Ltd (China)
3. Analysis of world prices on mica
3.1. Prices on mica in the U.S.
3.2. Prices on mica in some countries
4. International trade in mica
5. World consumption of mica and mica products
5.1. Sectoral structure of the global consumption of mica
5.2. Volumes and regional structure of world consumption of mica
5.3. Consumption of mica in China, Japan, South Korea
5.3.1. China
Description slyudopotreblyayuschih industries
Industrial centers of China
5.3.2. Japan
Description slyudopotreblyayuschih industries
Industrial centers in Japan
5.3.3. South Korea
Description slyudopotreblyayuschih industries
Industrial centers in South Korea

6. World Economic Outlook mica industry
Appendix 1. Specifications of ground muscovite
Appendix 2. Contact details for the world's largest companies for the production of electrical equipment
Appendix 3. Contact details for companies slyudopotreblyayuschih industries in China, Japan and South Korea
Production of building materials
Manufacture of paints, plastics and rubber
Welding Industry

Table 1. Chemical, physical and technological properties of the mineral mica-muscovite
Table 2. World production of mica (crushed and scraps) in 2001-2010. (according to USGS), kt
Table 3. World production of mica in 2005-2009. (according to BGS), t
Table 4. Key market indicators mica U.S. in 2005-2009
Table 5. Main indicators of foreign trade in the U.S. with mica in 2008-2009, t, thousand $
Table 6. Prices on mica in some countries in 2005-2007. and 2011, $ / t
Table 7. The main uses of ground mica in the world
Table 8. Foreign trade of mica in China in 2005-2010, t, thousand $
Table 9. Characteristics of the largest industrial centers of China
Table 10. Foreign trade of mica in Japan in 2005-2010, t, thousand $
Table 11. Dynamics of production of gypsum board (million m2), plastic and rubber products (tons) in Japan in 1995-2009
Table 12. Foreign trade of mica in South Korea in 2005-2010, t, thousand $

Figure 1. Mica-bearing pegmatites areas with India
Figure 2. Block diagram of mice-treatment factory
Figure 3. Dynamics of average prices and crushed mica in the United States in 2000-2010, $ / t
Figure 4. Dynamics of average prices for sheet mica in the United States in 2000-2010, $ / Kg
Figure 5. Regional structure of world exports of mica in 2010,%
Figure 6. Regional structure of world imports of mica in 2010,%
Figure 7. Sectoral structure of the global consumption of ground muscovite,%
Figure 8. Regional structure of world consumption of mica in 2010,%
Figure 9. Dynamics of export-import of mica in China in 2005-2010, Kt
Figure 10. The dynamics of housing construction in operation in China in 2004-2011, Mln m2,%
Figure 11. The dynamics of the regional structure of world production of vehicles in 2000-2010,%
Figure 12. Dynamics of production of motor vehicles in China in 2000-2011, Mln pieces
Figure 13. Dynamics of export-import of mica in Japan in 2005-2010, Kt
Figure 14. The dynamics of housing construction in operation in Japan in 2004-2010, Mln m2,% Figure 15. Dynamics of production of motor vehicles in Japan in 2000-2010, Mln pieces
Figure 16. Dynamics of export-import of mica in South Korea in 2005-2010, Kt
Figure 17. Dynamics of production of motor vehicles in South Korea in 2000-2010, Mln pieces
Figure 18. Dynamics of world production of vehicles in the 2000-2011, Mln pieces


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Polyester and Epoxy Resins in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

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