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Zirconium Raw Materials in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)

Nombre de pages: 89 Nombre de tables: 26 Le nombre de chiffres: 30
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 24.12.2013
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Télécharger
Prix: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of zirconium raw material in Russia and the CIS and forecast of its development. The report consists of 6 parts, contains 89 pages, including 30 drawings, 26 tables and 2 appendices. This work is a Desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, the State statistics Committee of CIS countries, Federal customs service of the Russian Federation, branch official statistics of rail transportation of the Russian Federation, branch and regional press, annual and quarterly accounts of emitters of securities, and also Internet-sites of enterprises-manufacturers. In connection with that in Russia supply of motor transport are not subject to obligatory statistical account, in the present report contains only data traffic by railway transport, and also data of some enterprises.

In the first Chapter of the report describes the mineral resource base of zirconium and extraction of zirconium bearing ores abroad. Provides information on world production of mineral concentrates. The Chapter contains information about main world producers. Outlines the main areas of application of zirconium concentrates, as well as world prices for this kind of mineral raw materials.

The second Chapter of the report is devoted to analysis of the mineral resource base of zirconium bearing ores in Russia and the CIS. And in Chapter includes the projects on development of deposits.

The third Chapter provides data on the largest manufacturers of zirconium concentrates in Ukraine and Russia. The data on production technology and the applied equipment, assortment and quality of production, volumes of output and plans for development of the enterprises.

The fourth Chapter is devoted to analysis of foreign trade operations of Russia and Ukraine with zirconium concentrates in 2001-2013 Shows the dynamics of the export from Russia of baddeleyite concentrate and import to Russia of zirconium concentrate, volumes and directions of supplies.

In the fifth Chapter consumption of zirconium and baddeleyite concentrates in Russia. The calculation of consumption of zirconium bearing concentrates, given the structure of their application, describes the basic areas of consumption and consumer enterprises.

In final, the sixth Chapter of the report presents forecast of development of Russian market of zirconium raw materials to 2020 Forecast of production and consumption in Russia is presented in 3 variants-in the optimistic, pessimistic and basic developments on the market for the product.





1. Mineral resource base and zirconium ores mining abroad

1.1. Reserves and deposits of zirconium

1.2. World production of mineral concentrates 1997-2012

1.3. Main fields of application of zirconium concentrates and other types of zirconium products

1.4. World consumption of zirconium concentrates, 1995-2012

1.5. World prices on zirconium concentrates


2. Mineral resources base of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan

2.1. Russia

2.2. Ukraine

2.3. Kazakhstan


3. Production zirconium  raw material in the CIS

3.1. Dynamics and structure of raw material extraction and manufacture of concentrates in Russia and the CIS 2000-2013

3.2. The qualitative composition of the products

3.3. Manufacturers of zirconium  raw materials

3.3.1. Volnogorsk MMC

3.3.2. OJSC «Kovdorsky GOK»

3.3.3. LLP «Trioline»

3.3.4. Ltd. AI «non-ferrous Metals»


4. The foreign trade operations with zirconium concentrates in Russia in 2001-2013

4.1. Export-import of Russian zirconium concentrates in 2001-2013

4.2. The main directions of export-import deliveries of Russia in 2003-2013

4.3. Review of export-import prices on zirconium concentrates in Russia 2002-2013


5. Consumption in Russia

5.1. Production and consumption of zirconium bearing concentrates in Russia in 2003-2013

5.2. Structure of consumption of zirconium bearing concentrates in Russia (2012)

5.3. The basic areas of consumption in Russia

5.3.1. Ceramic industry

5.3.2. Production of zirconium metal

5.3.3. Production of zirconium refractories

5.3.4. Foundry production

5.3.5. Chemical industry

5.4. Consumption of zirconium concentrates in Ukraine


6. Forecast of development of Russian market of zirconium raw materials


Appendix 1. Address book of enterprises-manufacturers of zirconium  raw materials

Appendix 2. Address book of enterprises-consumers

Table 1. World reserves of zirconium the U.S. Geological survey estimates (excluding Russia and CIS countries)

Table 2. World production of zirconium concentrate on countries in 2004-2012, thousand t

Table 3. Dynamics of average annual world prices for zirconium and baddeleyite concentrates in 2006-9 months. 2013, $/t

Table 4. Zirconium balance reserves distribution by industrial types and subjects of the Russian Federation (01.01.2012)

Table 5. The chemical composition of zirconium concentrate LLC «Mineral Group»

Table 6. The distribution of the balance reserves of zirconium of Ukraine

Table 7. Production of zirconium concentrates in the CIS in 2000-2013, thousand t

Table 8. Chemical composition typical of zirconium concentrates, %

Table 9. Chemical composition baddeleyite concentrates

Table 10. The largest recipients of zirconium concentrate ВГМК in 2007-9 months. 2013.

Table 11. The largest recipients of zirconium concentrate AI LLC «non-ferrous metals» in 2007-9 months. 2013

Table 12. Directions of export of baddeleyite concentrate JSC «Kovdor GOK» in 2003-9 months. 2013, thousand t

Table 13. Dynamics of import of zirconium raw material to Russia on the countries in the 2003-9 months. 2013, thousand t

Table 14. Dynamics of import of zirconium raw material on the enterprises in 2007-9 months. 2013, thousand t

Table 15. Dynamics of import of zirconium concentrates on marks in 2007-9 months. 2013, t

Table 16. The chemical composition of the main imported zirconium concentrates, %

Table 17. The scope of application of various brands of zirconium concentrate supplied to Russia

Table 18. Recipients of imported zirconium concentrate in Russia in 2007-9 months. 2013, thousand t

Table 19. Dynamics of average annual prices on zirconium raw material in Russia in 2007-9 months. 2013, $/t

Table 20. Dynamics of prices in Russia in zirconium concentrates and terms of delivery in 2007-9 months. 2013, $/t

Table 21. Dynamics of average annual contract prices for different brands of zirconium concentrate in Russia in 2007-9 months. 2013, $/t

Table 22. Balance of production and consumption of zirconium raw material (in terms of ZrO2) in Russia in 2003-2013, thousand t

Table 23. Structure of apparent consumption of zirconium concentrates (baddeleyite and zirconium) in terms of ZrO2 in Russia in 2012

Table 24. Composition fritte

Table 25. Dynamics of volumes of production of glazed ceramic tiles (facing) the main producers in Russia in 2007-2012, mln m2

Table 26. Specific consumption of materials for production of refractories, kg/t

Figure 1. Dynamics of the world production of zirconium concentrate in 1997-2012, thousand t in a year

Figure 2. The world's largest producers of zirconium concentrate in 2011

Figure 3. Structure of world consumption of zirconium concentrate in 2011, %

Figure 4. The dynamics of the world consumption of zirconium concentrates in the 1995-2012, thousand t

Figure 5. Structure of consumption of zirconium concentrates on countries in 2011

Figure 6. The main deposits of zirconium and distribution of reserves and prognostic resources of ZrO2, mln t

Figure 7. The main deposits of zirconium of Ukraine

Figure 8. The main deposits of zirconium Kazakhstan

Figure 9. Dynamics of production of zirconium concentrates (in terms of ZrO2) in the CIS in 2000-2013, thousand t

Figure 10. Structure of production of zirconium concentrate in the CIS on the enterprises in 2012, %

Figure 11. Scheme finishing collective concentrate Malyshevsky field

Figure 12. Dynamics of volumes of manufacture and export of zirconium concentrate ВГМК in 2002-2013, thousand t

Figure 13. Dynamics of production of baddeleyite concentrate in 1991-2013, thousand t

Figure 14. Dynamics of production and export of zirconium concentrate LLP Trioline» in 2009-2012, thousand tons*

Figure 15. Dynamics of average annual prices on zircon concentrate LLP Trioline » in 2009-2012, $/t

Figure 16. Dynamics of volumes of manufacture and export of zirconium concentrate AI LLC «non-ferrous Metals» in 2007-2013, thousand t

Figure 17. Dynamics of import of zirconium concentrate to Russia in 2001-2013, thousand t

Figure 18. The ratio of volumes of export and import of zirconium concentrates in terms of ZrO2 in 2001-2013, thousand t

Figure 19. Structure of import of zirconium concentrates on countries in 2012, %

Figure 20. Structure of import of zirconium concentrates on marks in 2012

Figure 21. Dynamics of average annual export prices of shipment of baddeleyite concentrate in 2002-9 months. 2013, $/t

Figure 22. Dynamics of average annual prices on zircon concentrate different suppliers in Russia in 2007-9 months. 2013, $/t

Figure 23. Dynamics of average annual contract prices for the zircon concentrate different brands of Volnogorsk in 2007-9 months. 2013, $/t

Figure 24. Balance of production and consumption of zirconium raw material (in terms of ZrO2) in Russia in 2003-2013, thousand t

Figure 25. Structure of apparent consumption of zirconium concentrates (baddeleyite and zirconium) in terms of ZrO2 in Russia in 2012

Figure 26. Structure of consumption of zirconium concentrates on Federal districts in 2012

Figure 27. Dynamics of production of ceramic tile in Russia in 2007-9 months. 2013, mln m2

Figure 28. Dynamics of production of refractories on the basis of zirconium dioxide in Russia in 2007-2012, thousand t

Figure 29. Forecast of production of zirconium concentrates in Russia (in terms of ZrO2) up to 2020, kt

Figure 30. The forecast of demand on zirconium concentrates (in terms of ZrO2) up to 2020, kt


Rapports à venir

September 2024

Iron Ore Raw Materials (Iron Ore Concentrate, Sinter, Pellets) in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)

September 2024

Ammonium Nitrate in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)

September 2024

Polyester and Epoxy Resins in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

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