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Mineral Composite Binders in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

Nombre de pages: 75 Nombre de tables: 36 Le nombre de chiffres: 14
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 12.03.2018
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Télécharger
Prix: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is a study of the Russian market of mineral composite binder in 2015-2017.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of mineral composite binder.

The object of the study are composite binders based on cement and gypsum.


This work is a desk study. Information sources of Rosstat, customs statistics of the Russian Federation, databases of "InfoMine" LLC, as well as materials of the branch and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, websites of producers of mineral binders were used as sources of information.


Chronological framework of the study: 2007-2017; forecast - 2018-2025

Geography of the study: The Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.


The report consists of 6 parts, contains 75 pages, including 14 figures, 36 tables and 1 appendix.

In the first chapter of the report, a classification of composite binders based on cement and gypsum is given, their types and purpose are considered.

The second chapter is devoted to the production of composite mineral binders in Russia. The dynamics of production of cement and gypsum, as well as composite astringents based on them in 2012-2017 is presented. The chapter also describes the current state of the largest enterprises-producers of composite astringents.

The third chapter of the report presents data on Russian foreign trade operations with composite binders based on cement and gypsum in 2015-2017. Dynamics, trends and structure of export-import supplies are analyzed.

The fourth chapter presents data on export-import prices for mineral composite binders in Russia in 2015-2017

The fifth chapter of the report is devoted to the consumption of the products in question in Russia. In this section, the balance of consumption of cement, gypsum and composite astringents on their basis in 2015-2017 is given and the structure of consumption is estimated. Also, factors that influence the development of the market are characterized.

In the sixth chapter of the report the forecast of development of the Russian market of composite binders for the period up to 2025

The appendix contains contact information of the main Russian enterprises that produce the products in question.


The target audience of the study:

- participants of the market of mineral knitting - producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists who make managerial decisions that work in the cement, gypsum and building materials market.





1. Classification of composite modifying binders on the basis of cement and gypsum, their types and purposes

1.2. Classification of composite cements

1.2. Types of composite gypsum binders


2. Production of composite modifying binders in Russia

2.1. Dynamics of cement production (including special cements) in Russia in 2012-2017

2.2. The main producers of composite cement binders in Russia

2.3. Dynamics of production of gypsum (including composite gypsum binders) in Russia in 2012-2017

2.4. The main producers of composite gypsum binders in Russia


3. Dynamics of foreign trade operations on the Russian market of composite astringents

3.1. Volumes and directions of foreign trade operations with composite binders based on cement and gypsum in 2012-2017

3.2. Structure of export-import by suppliers and recipients, types of composite astringents


4. Analysis of export-import prices for composite binders in Russia in 2012-2017


5. The volume and dynamics of the Russian market of composite binders based on cement and gypsum

5.1. Dynamics of consumption of composite binders in Russia in 2012-2017

5.2. Estimation of structure of consumption of composite astringents by application areas

5.3. Factors affecting the development of the market


6. Forecast of development of the Russian market of composite binders for the period up to 2025

Table 1. Cement brands in accordance with GOST 10178-85

Table 2. Types of cement and their composition in accordance with GOST 31108-2003

Table 3. Classes of strength of cement

Table 4. Strength characteristics of gypsum binders

Table 5. Setting time for different types of gypsum binders

Table 6. Degree of grinding of gypsum binders

Table 7. Classification and applications of gypsum binders

Table 8. Technical requirements for gypsum cement-pozzolanic binders

Table 9. Technical requirements for composite gypsum binders

Table 10. Technical requirements for composite anhydrite binders

Table 11. Rational applications of concrete based on CGB (composite gypsum binders)

Table 12. Production of cement in Russia in 2012-2017 by type, thousand tons

Table 13. Production of portland cement with additives and slag Portland cement in Russia in 2015-2017 by regions, kt

Table 14. Deliveries of mineral additives for Portland cement to cement plants in Russia in 2015-2017, kt

Table 15. Types of cements with mineral additives produced by the plants of ZAO Eurocement Group (according to GOST 31108-2003)

Table 16. Deliveries of mineral additives to "Eurocement Group" plants, kt

Table 17. Deliveries of mineral additives to "Gazmetallproekt" plants, thousand tons

Table 18. Deliveries of mineral additives to JSC "Sebryakovcement", kt

Table 19. Production of cement with mineral additives and slag Portland cement "Tulaccement", kt

Table 20. Production of gypsum in Russia in 2015-2017 by regions, kt

Table 21. Physical and chemical properties of GPCV (gypsum cement-pozzolanic binder) produced by JSC Gipsobeton

Table 22. Volumes of Russian exports of cement by directions in 2010-2017, kt

Table 23. Volumes of import of cement to Russia by directions in 2010-2017, kt

Table 24. Volumes of Russian exports of composite cements by directions in 2015-2017, kt

Table 25. Volumes of import of composite cements to Russia by directions in 2015-2016, kt

Table 26. Volumes of Russian exports of gypsum binder by directions in 2013-2017, kt

Table 27. Volumes of Russian import of gypsum binder by directions in 2013-2017, kt

Table 28. Import of composite cements by types and suppliers in 2015-2016, t

Table 29. The main exporters of composite cements in 2015-2017, t

Table 30. Export prices for composite cements of major exporters in 2015-2017, $ / t

Table 31. Import prices for composite cements by types and suppliers in 2015-2016, $ / t

Table 32: Balance of production and consumption of cement in Russia in 2007-2017, kt

Table 33: Production-consumption balance of composite cements in Russia in 2015-2017, kt

Table 34. The balance of production / consumption of gypsum in Russia in 2007-2017, thousand tons,%

Table 35. Fields of application of composite cements

Table 36. Forecast of cement and gypsum production in 2018-2025, million tons

Figure 1. Dynamics of cement production in Russia in 2000-2017, million tons

Figure 2. Regional structure of cement production in Russia in 2017,%

Figure 3. Dynamics of production of major types of cement in Russia in 2012-2017, million tons

Figure 4. Regional structure of Portland cement production with additives and slag Portland cement in Russia in 2017,%

Figure 5. Structure of cement production in Russia by producers in 2016,%

Figure 6. Dynamics of production of gypsum in Russia in 2000-2017, million tons

Figure 5. Regional structure of production of building gypsum in Russia in 2017,%

Figure 8. Dynamics of foreign trade operations of Russia with cement in 2002- 2017, kt

Figure 9. Dynamics of foreign trade operations of Russia with gypsum binders (gypsum) in 2013 - 2017, kt

Figure 10: Dynamics of average Russian export and import prices for cement in 2002-2017, $ \ t

Figure 11: Dynamics of average Russian export and import prices for gypsum binders in 2013-2017, $ \ t

Figure 12: Dynamics of cement consumption in Russia in 2007-2017, million tons

Figure 13: Structure of cement consumption by application area in Russia,%

Figure 14: Effect of housing dynamics on the consumption of binders


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