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Lumpy (Solid) Alkali Silicates and Liquid Glass in Russia and the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (8 edition)
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This report is the eighth edition of the study of the market of silicate lumps and liquid glass in the CIS countries.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for silicate lumps and liquid glass in Russia and the CIS countries.
The objects of study are a lump of silicate (sodium and potassium containing), liquid glass, powdered sodium metasilicates.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, the statistical services of Ukraine and Belarus, the State Customs Service of Ukraine were used; data from the UNdate database, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, as well as websites of sodium and potassium silicate manufacturers were used.
Timeline of the study: 1997-2021; forecast - 2022-2030
Research geography: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed market analysis; Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus - general retrospective analysis of the market.
A distinctive feature of this study is a detailed description of the feedstock (quality, supply lines, suppliers). The review contains detailed information about the market of silicate lumps and liquid glass of all CIS countries (including Ukraine), whose contribution to the total output of the products in question in the post-Soviet space is very tangible. The forecast takes into account the situation on the market, which may develop as a result of Russia's special operation on the territory of Ukraine.
The study examined the impact on the economy of geopolitical risks, the conflict in Ukraine, sanctions from Western unfriendly countries, as well as the impact of coronavirus and possible consequences.
The report consists of 6 parts, contains 164 pages, including 42 figures, 80 tables and an appendix.
The first chapter of the report provides information about the existing technologies for the production of silicate lumps and liquid glass, their features, the raw materials required for production and their quality. Data on the main suppliers of raw materials (quartz sand and soda ash), directions and volumes of supplies are also presented.
The second chapter is devoted to the production of lump silicate, liquid glass and powdered potassium and sodium metasilicates in the CIS countries in 1997-2021. Here are the requirements of the existing regulatory and technical documentation for the quality of soluble sodium silicate (lumps of silicate) and liquid glass produced on its basis, statistics on the production of the products in question in the CIS countries. The current state of the largest producers of sodium and potassium silicates is also described.
The third chapter of the report provides data on foreign trade operations of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan with sodium and potassium silicates in 1999-2021.
The fourth chapter provides information on the level of prices for sodium and potassium silicates in the domestic Russian market, as well as analyzes data on changes in export-import prices for these products in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan in 1999-2021.
The fifth chapter deals with the consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in the CIS. The balance of production and consumption of these products in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the sectoral and regional structure of consumption in Russia are given, the current state of the main industries consuming sodium and potassium silicates and the current state and development prospects of the largest consumer enterprises are described.
The sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of soluble sodium and potassium silicates for the period up to 2030.
The appendix contains the addresses and contact information of the main enterprises producing sodium and potassium silicates in the CIS countries.
Target audience of the study:
- market participants of silicate lumps and liquid glass - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study purports to be a reference tool for marketing and management decision makers working in the alkali metal silicate market.
1. Technology for the production of silicate lumps and liquid glass, raw materials used in industry
1.1 Methods for the production of silicate lumps and liquid glass
1.2. Technology for the production of silicate lumps and liquid glass
1.3. Main suppliers of raw materials, directions and volumes of deliveries
1.3.1. Quartz sands
1.3.2. Sodium- and potassium-containing raw materials
2. Production of silicate lumps and liquid glass in the CIS countries
2.1. Product quality
2.2. Production of silicate blocks in the CIS in 2000-2021
2.3. Production of silicate lumps and liquid glass in Russia in 1997-2021
2.3.1. Volumes and structure of production
2.3.2. The current state of the largest producers of silicate lumps
JSC "Salavatsteklo" (Rep. of Bashkortostan)
LLC "MagniZa" (Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Chelyabinsk region)
LLC "Glass" (Ulyanovsk region)
OOO "Boksitogorsk silicate plant" (Leningrad region), OOO "NPO "Silikat" (St. Petersburg)
Enterprises producing soda-sulphate silicate lump
Enterprises producing liquid glass and powdered metasilicates from purchased silicate lumps
2.4. Production of silicate lumps and liquid glass in Ukraine
2.4.1. Volumes and structure of production in 2000-2021
2.4.2. The current state of the largest enterprises producing silicate lumps and liquid glass
PJSC "Zaporozhstekloflus" (Zaporozhye region)
LLC "PKF "Ukrsilikat" (Zaporozhye region)
Other enterprises producing liquid glass
2.5. Production of silicate lumps in Belarus
2.5.1. Volumes and structure of production in 1999-2021
2.5.2. The current state of the largest manufacturing enterprises
JSC "Domanovsky production and trading plant" (Brest region)
2.6. Production of sodium and potassium silicates in other CIS countries
3. Foreign trade operations with sodium and potassium silicates
3.1. Export-import of the Russian Federation in 1999-2021
3.1.1. Import
3.1.2. Export
3.2. Export-import of Ukraine in 1999-2021
3.2.1. Export
3.2.2. Import
3.3. Export-import of Kazakhstan in 2004-2021
3.4. Export-import of other CIS countries in 2012-2021
4. Overview of prices for silicate lump and liquid glass
4.1. Domestic prices for silicate lump and liquid glass in Russia
4.2. Export-import prices
4.2.1. Russian export-import prices in 1999-2021
4.2.2. Export-import prices of Ukraine and Kazakhstan
5. Consumption of sodium and potassium silicates
5.1. Consumption balance
5.1.1. The balance of consumption in Russia in 1999-2021
5.1.2. Balance of consumption in Ukraine and other CIS countries in 2000-2021
5.2. Structure of consumption in Russia
5.2.1. The largest enterprises-consumers of sodium and potassium silicates
5.2.2. Sectoral structure of consumption of sodium and potassium silicates
5.2.3. Regional structure of consumption of sodium and potassium silicates
5.3. Current state and development prospects of the main consuming industries
5.3.1. Chemical industry and production of synthetic detergents
Branch of JSC "Nevskaya cosmetics" in Angarsk (Irkutsk region)
PJSC "Nefis Cosmetics" (Rep. Tatarstan)
LLC "Procter and Gamble-Novomoskovsk" (Tula region)
Henkel factories
JSC "Bashkir Soda Company" (Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan)
5.3.2. Mining industry
Kirov branch of JSC "Apatit" (Murmansk region)
JSC "Kovdorsky GOK" (Murmansk region)
5.3.3. Metallurgy and mechanical engineering
5.3.4. Construction and production of building and finishing materials
5.3.5. Other industries
6. Forecast for the development of the silicate lump market in Russia for the period up to 2030
Application. Address book of the largest manufacturers of sodium and potassium silicates in the CIS
Table 1: The main deposits of quartz sand for the glass industry in the CIS countries producing silicate lump
Table 2: Railway deliveries of quartz raw materials to enterprises producing silicate blocks in 2016-2021, thousand tons
Table 3: Quality indicators of JSC "Quartz" products
Table 4: Quality indicators of quartz glass sands LLC "Tashlinsky GOK"
Table 5: Railway supplies of sodium- and potassium-containing raw materials to manufacturers of silicate blocks in the Russian Federation in 2016-2021, thousand tons
Table 6: Quality requirements for soda ash grade A (according to GOST 5100-85)
Table 7: Quality requirements for soda ash grade B (according to GOST 5100-85)
Table 8: Requirements for the quality of soda ash (according to GOST 10689-75)
Table 9: Quality indicators of sodium silicate soluble
Table 10: Water glass quality indicators
Table 11: Production of silicate blocks in the CIS in 2004-2021, thousand tons
Table 12: Production of silicate lump in Russia in 1998-2021
Table 13: Production of silicate blocks by the largest Russian enterprises in 2008-2021, thousand tons
Table 14: Directions and volumes of railway deliveries to the largest consumers of silicate lumps produced by Salavatsteklo JSC in 2012-2021, t
Table 15: Some financial and economic performance indicators of Salavatsteklo JSC in 2010-2021, million rubles
Table 16: Quality indicators of soluble sodium and potassium silicates produced by Stroitelny Kompleks LLC (GOST 13078-81)
Table 17: Directions and volumes of railway deliveries to the largest consumers of silicate blocks produced by Stroitelny Kompleks LLC and MagniZa LLC in 2012-2021, t
Table 18: Some financial and economic indicators of the work of MagniZa LLC in 2010-2021, million rubles
Table 19: Directions and volumes of railway deliveries to the largest consumers of silicate blocks produced by Steklo LLC in 2017-2021, t
Table 20: Some financial indicators of Steklo LLC in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 21: Some financial indicators of NPO Silikat LLC and BSZ LLC in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 22: Technical characteristics of the soda-sulfate mixture produced by JSC "RUSAL Ural" - "RUSAL Krasnoturinsk"
Table 23: Some financial and economic indicators of the work of OXIUM LLC in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 24: The main consumers of liquid glass produced by OXIUM LLC in 2012-2021, tons
Table 25: The largest consumers of sodium silicate sold by Skopinsky Construction Plant JSC in 2012-2021, t
Table 26: Parameters of dry sodium hydrosilicate produced by LLC PKF "Ekokhim SPB"
Table 27: Parameters of liquid soda glass produced by LLC PKF "Ecohim SPB"
Table 28: Parameters of liquid potassium glass produced by OOO PKF "Ekokhim SPB"
Table 29: Physical and chemical characteristics of liquid glass obtained from dry concentrate produced by OOO "Ural VIM"
Table 30: Production of various types of alkali metal silicates by the largest manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federation
Table 31: Production of silicate blocks by Ukrainian enterprises in 2002-2021, thousand tons, % to prev. year
Table 32: Quality indicators of soluble sodium silicate produced by PJSC "Zaporozhstekloflus"
Table 33: Volumes and directions of export of silicate lumps produced by PJSC "Zaporozhstekloflus" in 2012-2021, tons
Table 34: Quality indicators of silicate lumps produced by PKF Ukrsilikat LLC
Table 35: Quality indicators of liquid glass produced by PKF Ukrsilikat LLC
Table 36: Quality indicators of liquid glass produced by PJSC "Ukrainian silicate" (GOST 13078-81)
Table 37: Quality indicators of soluble sodium silicate and liquid glass produced by OAO "Domanovsky PTK"
Table 38: Quality indicators of nine-water metasilicate produced by OAO "Domanovsky PTK"
Table 39: Some financial and economic indicators of the work of JSC "Domanovsky PTK" in 2015-2021, million Belarusian rubles, %
Table 40: Quality indicators of liquid glass produced by LLP "IrtyshTehprom"
Table 41: The volume of Russia's foreign trade operations with sodium and potassium silicates in 2008-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 42: Regional structure of imports of solid sodium and potassium silicates to the Russian Federation in 2007-2021, tons, %
Table 43: Regional structure of imports of powdered and granular sodium and potassium silicates in the Russian Federation in 2009-2021, tons
Table 44: Regional structure of imports of liquid sodium and potassium silicates to the Russian Federation in 2007-2021, tons, %
Table 45: The largest suppliers of potassium and sodium silicates to Russia in 2013-2021, tons
Table 46: Main Russian importers of solid sodium and potassium silicates in 2015-2021, tons
Table 47: Main Russian importers of liquid glass in 2015-2021, tons
Table 48: Regional structure of exports of soluble sodium and potassium silicates to the Russian Federation 2006-2021, tons, %
Table 49: Regional structure of liquid glass exports to the Russian Federation in 2006-2021, tons, %
Table 50: Export of Russian silicate blocks by manufacturing enterprises in 2009-2021, thousand tons
Table 51: Foreign trade operations of Ukraine with sodium and potassium silicates (solid and liquid) in 2006-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 52: Regional structure of exports of sodium and potassium silicates by Ukraine in 2007-2021, tons, %
Table 53: Regional structure of imports of solid sodium and potassium silicates by Ukraine in 2007-2021, t, %
Table 54: Regional structure of imports of liquid glass by Ukraine in 2007-2021, tons, %
Table 55: The largest Ukrainian importers of sodium and potassium silicates in 2008-2020, tons
Table 56: Regional structure of Kazakhstani imports of sodium and potassium silicates in 2006-2021, tons
Table 57: Regional structure of foreign trade operations of Belarus with sodium and potassium silicates in 2012-2021, t, thousand $, $/t
Table 58: Prices for liquid glass produced by the Izhora plant of liquid glasses, thousand rubles / t
Table 59: Russian average annual import prices for various types of sodium and potassium silicates in 2011-2021, $/t
Table 60: Russian average annual export prices for various types of sodium and potassium silicates in 2011-2021, $/t
Table 61: Ukrainian average annual import prices for various types of sodium and potassium silicates in 2012-2021, $/t
Table 62: Balance of production and consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Russia in 2006-2021 (based on 100% solids)
Table 63: Balance of production and consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Ukraine in 2006-2021 (based on 100% solids)
Table 64: Balance of production and consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Belarus in 2012-2021 (based on 100% solids)
Table 65: Balance of production and consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Kazakhstan in 2012-2021 (based on 100% solids)
Table 66: The largest Russian consumers of sodium and potassium silicates in 2014-2021, t (not converted to 100% solids)
Table 67: Structure of consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Russia in 2021, thousand tons, %
Table 68: Production index in individual industries in Russia in 2013-2021, % of the previous year
Table 69: CMC production in the Russian Federation by enterprises in 2015-2021, thousand tons
Table 70: Some financial indicators of Nevskaya Kosmetika JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 71: Some financial indicators of Nefis Cosmetics PJSC in 2012-2020, million rubles
Table 72: Some financial indicators of Procter & Gamble-Novomoskovsk LLC in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 73: Some financial indicators of Henkel Rus LLC in 2012-2021, thousand rubles
Table 74: Some financial indicators of Bashkir Soda Company JSC in 2012-2021, billion rubles
Table 75: Some financial indicators of PhosAgro in 2012-2021, billion rubles
Table 76: Some financial indicators of Kovdorsky GOK JSC in 2012-2021, billion rubles
Table 77: Performance of work under construction contracts in Russia in 2004-2021, billion rubles
Table 78: Forecast of housing construction volumes in Russia in 2022-2030, mln m2
Table 79: Industry forecast for the consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Russia for the period up to 2030, thousand tons
Table 80: Forecast of production and consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Russia for the period up to 2030, thousand tons
Figure 1: Application of liquid glasses as binders
Figure 2: Technological scheme for the production of silicate lumps and liquid glass
Figure 3: Dynamics of production of silicate blocks in the CIS countries in 2000-2021, thousand tons
Figure 4: Shares of the main producing countries in the total output of silicate blocks in the CIS in 2001-2021, %
Figure 5: Dynamics of silicate lump production in Russia in 1997-2021, thousand tons
Figure 6: Shares of the main producers in the all-Russian output of silicate lumps in 2001-2021, %
Figure 7. Main Russian producers and consumers of silicate blocks
Figure 8: Dynamics of the production of silicate lumps in JSC "Salavatsteklo" in 1997-2021, thousand tons, % to prev. year
Figure 9: Dynamics of the production of silicate blocks by Stroitelny Kompleks LLC and MagniZa LLC in 1997-2021, thousand tons
Figure 10: Dynamics of railway deliveries to consumers of a soda-sulfate mixture produced by RUSAL Ural JSC - RUSAL Krasnoturinsk in 2010-2021, thousand tons
Figure 11: Dynamics of railway supplies to consumers of the soda-sulfate mixture produced by JSC "Russian Chrome 1915" in 2010-2021, thousand tons
Figure 12: Dynamics of silicate lump production in Ukraine in 2000-2021, thousand tons
Figure 13: Dynamics of production and export of silicate blocks of PJSC "Zaporozhstekloflus" in 2009-2021, thousand tons
Figure 14: Dynamics of silicate lump production in Belarus in 1999-2021, thousand tons
Figure 15: Dynamics of production and export of silicate lumps of OAO "Domanovsky PTK" in 2012-2021, thousand tons
Figure 16: Dynamics of natural volumes of exports and imports of sodium and potassium silicates by Russia in 1999-2021, thousand tons
Figure 17: Dynamics of Russian imports of solid and liquid sodium/potassium silicates in 2006-2021, thousand tons
Figure 18: Dynamics of Russian imports of silicate blocks by supplying countries in 2013-2021, thousand tons
Figure 19: Dynamics of Russian imports of metasilicates (powders, granules) by supplying countries in 2013-2021, thousand tons
Figure 20: Dynamics of Russian imports of liquid glass by supplying countries in 2013-2021, thousand tons
Figure 21: Commodity structure of Russian imports of sodium and potassium silicates in 2013, 2016, 2018 and 2021, %
Figure 22: Dynamics of Russian exports of solid and liquid sodium/potassium silicates in 2006-2021, thousand tons
Figure 23: Dynamics of natural volumes of exports and imports of sodium and potassium silicates by Ukraine in 1999-2021, thousand tons
Figure 24: Dynamics of the structure of Ukrainian exports of lumps of silicate by recipient countries in 2005-2020, %
Figure 25: Dynamics of Ukrainian imports of solid and liquid sodium/potassium silicates in 2006-2021, thousand tons
Figure 26: Dynamics of the commodity structure of Ukrainian imports of sodium and potassium silicates in 1999-2021, %
Figure 27: Dynamics of Kazakhstani imports of sodium and potassium silicates in 2004-2021, tons, thousand $
Figure 28: Dynamics of the commodity structure of Kazakhstani imports of sodium and potassium silicates in 2004-2021, %
Figure 29: Dynamics of natural volumes of exports and imports of sodium and potassium silicates by Belarus in 2012-2021, thousand tons
Figure 30: Dynamics of Russian export and import prices for sodium and potassium silicates in 1999-2021, $/t
Figure 31: Dynamics of Ukrainian export and import prices for sodium and potassium silicates in 1999-2021, $/t
Figure 32: Comparative dynamics of average export prices in Russia and Ukraine in 1999-2021, $/t
Figure 33: Comparative dynamics of average import prices in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in 2004-2021, $/t
Figure 34: Dynamics of production, "apparent" consumption, export-import of sodium and potassium silicates in the Russian Federation in 1999-2021, thousand tons (in terms of 100% solids)
Figure 35: Dynamics of production, "apparent" consumption, export-import of sodium and potassium silicates in Ukraine in 2000-2021, thousand tons
Figure 36: Sectoral structure of consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in the Russian Federation in 2021, %
Figure 37: Regional structure of consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Russia in 2018, %
Figure 38: Dynamics of the production of synthetic detergents in Russia in 1997-2021, thousand tons
Figure 39: Dynamics of the production of the main SMS by the largest Russian enterprises in 2009-2021, thousand tons
Figure 40: Dynamics of steel and finished steel production in Russia in 1998-2021, mt
Figure 41: Dynamics of housing commissioning in Russia in 2000-2021, mln m2, % of prev. year
Figure 42: Forecast of production and consumption of sodium and potassium silicates in Russia for the period up to 2030, thousand tons