Nouvelles de la société
Participation in the conference
The general director of the company I.M. Petrov took part in the industry conference "Aluminum Industry of the Russian Federation. Realities and Challenges ", organized by the Aluminum Association of Russia and held on November 30 in Moscow.
Participation in the conference
The general director of INFOMINE Research Group Igor Petrov presented a report "The market of zinc and raw materials for its production in Russia" at the conference "Modern technologies in the field of production and processing of non-ferrous metals", held on November 16, 2017 within the framework of the exhibition Metal-Expo 2017 (VDNH).
Company news
The INFOMINE Research Group received the certificate of the Association of Industrial Marketers (PROMMAR).
Company news
The research group InfoMine received a letter of gratitude from EuroChem, which is one of the largest producers of mineral fertilizers and is among the top 200 largest Russian companies.
Participation in the conference
The general director of the company Igor Petrov presented a report "Review of imports of metal powders for 3D printing to Russia" at the International Conference "Additive Technologies and 3D Printing: in Search of New Applications", held on October 26, 2017 in Moscow (the "Caliber" Technopark).
Participation in the conference
The general director of the company Igor Petrov delivered a report "Global trends of the world market of platinum group metals" at the 2nd Russian-South African conference on platinum group metals held on October 24, 2017 in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia.
The company's results in the 1st half of 2017
In the 1st half of 2017 company INFOMINE Research Group Ltd. done more than 30 reports.
Market Research News
INFOMINE Research Group presented a review of the market of finished marketing research of industrial products in Russia, based on its article "Qualitative research or announcements and semi-finished products ..."
Participation in the conference
The general director of the company Igor Petrov presented report "Enrichment of Mineral Raw Materials in Russia - Implemented and New Projects, Ore Processing Technologies" at a conference on technology and transportation of bulk materials organized by SOLIDS June 6-7, 2017 in Moscow (Expocentre Fairgrounds).
Participation in the conferences
Head of the Department of the markets for chemical and petrochemical products Olga Voloshina presented report "The review of the market of greases in Russia" at the V International Conference "Base Oils and Lubricants of the CIS", organized by Global Business Club Ltd. May 23-25, 2017 in Moscow.