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Zinc Powders in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast

Nombre de pages: 54 Nombre de tables: 23 Le nombre de chiffres: 7
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 18.08.2016
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Télécharger
Prix: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment. 


The present review is the first publication of market research monodisperse zinc powder in Russia and the CIS.


The purpose of research – market analysis of monodisperse zinc powder and the forecast of its development for the period till 2025

The object of study is monodisperse zinc powder (5-12 µm).

The chronological scope of the study – 2013-2015 for the 2016-2025

Geography research: Russia and CIS


This work is mainly a Desk study. As information sources, data of Federal service of state statistics of Russia (Rosstat), data of customs statistics of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, the statistics of railway transport of the Russian Federation. Also used data of sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of emitters of securities, Internet-sites of enterprises-consumers of monodisperse zinc powders.

When working on a report conducted telephone interviews of market participants.

The report consists of 6 chapters, contains 54 pages, 7 figures, 23 tables and Appendix.


In the first Chapter of the report presents data on the normative documents regulating quality requirements for zinc powders in Russia, the mode of transport and packaging.

The second Chapter analyzes the production of monodisperse zinc powder (5-12 µm) in Russia and CIS countries in 2013-2015 provides statistics about the volumes of production of the products, and also presents the characteristics of the main producers.

The third Chapter is devoted to foreign trade operations with zinc powder (5-12 µm) in the CIS countries in 2013-2015 Defined volumes and the main directions of supplies of the product.

The fourth Chapter presents statistical data on export and import prices of monodisperse zinc powder (5-12 µm) in the period 2013-2015

The fifth Chapter devoted to consumption of monodisperse zinc powder (5-12 µm) in Russia and the CIS. It presents data on volumes of consumption of zinc powder in Russia and CIS countries in 2013-2015, the main areas of use and consumers of the product.

The sixth and final Chapter presents forecast of development of Russian market of monodisperse zinc powder (5-12 µm) in the period up to 2025

The Appendix presents contact information on producers of monodisperse zinc powder (5-12 µm).


Target audience research:

- market participants monodisperse zinc powder (5-12 µm) – producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and specialists taking management decisions, working in the market of zinc powder.





1. Chemical composition and size distribution of zinc powder (dust). Requirements to quality of products


2. The zinc powder production in Russia/CIS countries in 2013-2015

2.1. Production volumes

2.2. Brief description of the main enterprise-producers of zinc powder

2.2.1. Manufacturer 1

2.2.2. Manufacturer 2

2.2.3. Manufacturer 3


3. Foreign trade operations of zinc powder (dust) in the CIS countries in 2013-2015

3.1. Foreign trade operations of Russia

3.2. Foreign trade operations of Ukraine

3.3. Other CIS countries


4. Prices for zinc powder in CIS countries in 2013-2015


5. The consumption of zinc powder in Russia and CIS countries in 2013-2015

5.1. Balances of production-consumption

5.1.1. Russia

5.1.2. Other CIS countries

5.2. Current status of major industries. Large company-consumers of zinc powders in Russia

5.2.1. The production of zinc coatings (CPG)

5.2.2. Thermal diffusion galvanizing (TDC)

5.2.3. Gold mining


6. The prospects for the market development of zinc powder in Russia for the period up to 2025


Appendix. Addresses and telephone numbers of Russian companies-producers of zinc powder

Table 1: Chemical composition of zinc powder according to GOST 12601-76

Table 2: particle size distribution of the zinc powder according to GOST 12601-76

Table 3: Chemical composition of zinc powder brand PCR, Insstal'", %

Table 4: particle size distribution zinc powder brand PCR, Insstal'"

Table 5: Chemical composition and size distribution of zinc powder brand PTS-0 produced by "Insstal'"

Table 6: Chemical composition and size distribution of zinc powder brand InstZn, Insstal'", %

Table 7: Some financial indicators of OOO Insstal '" in 2011-2014, mln.

Table 8: Chemical composition and size distribution of zinc powder brand PCVD-0 production ZAO NPP "fine metal powders"

Table 9: Selected financial indicators of JSC NPP "fine metal powders" in 2011-2014, mln.

Table 10. The volume of foreign trade operations of Russia with a zinc powder (dust) in 2013-2015, t, thousand $

Table 11. Direction of foreign trade operations of Russia with a zinc powder (dust) in 2013-2015, t, kg, $/t

Table 12: Russian companies-recipients of zinc powder (dust) in 2013-2015, t

Table 13: Chemical composition and physical properties of zinc dust different brands manufacturing company UMICORE (Norway)

Table 14: Chemical composition and size distribution of zinc dust different brands manufacturing company ZINCHEM (South Africa)

Table 15: Chemical composition and physical properties of zinc dust different brands of the production company TAE WON NON-FERROUS CO. (South Korea)

Table 16: Chemical composition and size distribution of zinc dust different brands manufacturing company SB CHEMICAL CO. (South Korea)

Table 17. Fields of Ukrainian import of zinc powder (dust) in 2013-2015, t, $/t

Table 18: Ukrainian companies-recipients of zinc powder (dust) in 2013-2015, t

Table 19. Areas of import zinc powder (dust) in the other CIS countries in 2013-2015, t, $/t

Table 20. Delivery volumes (tonnes) and average import prices ($/t) zinc powder (dust) by vendor in Russia in 2013-2015

Table 21. Delivery volumes (tonnes) and average import prices ($/t) zinc powder (dust) by suppliers in the Ukraine in 2013-2015

Table 22. Comparative chemical composition of zinc powders of some Russian and foreign manufacturers

Table 23. The advantages of zinc coatings in comparison with hot dip galvanizing and the application of traditional coatings

Figure 1. Workshop for production of fine zinc powder in NPP “VMP"

Figure 2. Dynamics of Russian import of zinc powder (dust) for the main sectors of consumption in 2013-2015, t

Figure 3. Dynamics of Ukrainian import of zinc powder (dust), natural (tons) and value (thousand $) terms in 2013-2015

Figure 4. Dynamics of average export-import prices on zinc powder (dust) in Russia in 2013-2015, $/kg

Figure 5. Sample structure of consumption of monodisperse powders and zinc dust in Russia in 2015, % 

Figure 6: Gold Mining companies, OOO Polymetal" and CJSC "Chukotka GGK" in 2006-2015, t

Figure 7: Forecast of production and consumption (by industry application) monodisperse powders of zinc in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, kt


Rapports à venir

January 2025

Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

January 2025

Pharmaceutical Substances and Intermediates in Russia:Production, Market and Forecast

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