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Granulated Metallurgical Slag in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is available both in Russian and English versions
This review is the first edition of the market research of granulated slag, which is mainly produced from blast furnace slags at metallurgical plants.
Market monitoring has been ongoing since 2014.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of granulated slag.
The object of research is granulated slag, which are used in ferrous metallurgy, building complex, cement production, etc.
During the preparation of this report, experts from InfoMine used data from the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, railway statistics, the materials of the annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, materials from various analytical companies, the materials of the central and regional media, -site of the described enterprises, etc.
Chronological framework of the study: 2014-2017.
Geography of the study: The Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
The report consists of 4 chapters, contains 73 pages, including 37 tables, 12 figures and 2 annexes.
The first chapter of the report is devoted to the description of granulated slag with a description of GOSTs, specifications, description of the advantages of its use in the production of cement.
The second chapter analyzes the sources of granular slag. Data on the production of granulated blast furnace slag at enterprises of ferrous metallurgy in Russia are presented, and manufacturing enterprises are represented.
In the third chapter of the report, the consumption of granulated slag was analyzed, and the main consumer industries were identified.
Data are presented on the consumption of granulated slag by enterprises of the cement industry, with the allocation of consumption volumes in the SFO and DFO. The data on volumes of cement production in Russia, including on the enterprises, are analyzed.
The enterprises-suppliers of granulated slag to the cement enterprises of the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District have been determined.
The fourth chapter of the report analyzes the logistics of transportation of granulated slag, presents the distances and tariffs of railway transportation of granulated slag to cement plants of the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District.
Appendix 1 presents the options for calculating railway tariffs for the supply of granulated slag to individual cement plants in the SFD and DFO.
Appendix 2 contains addresses and contact information of Russian companies - market participants of granulated slag (metallurgical and cement enterprises).
The target audience of the study:
- participants in the market of granulated slags - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists working in the fluxing market for metallurgy.
1. Granulated slag - the main characteristics (GOSTs, TU); basic requirements for granulated slag for use in the production of cements (chemical, granulometric composition). Advantages of using granular material for the cement industry.
2. Sources of granular slag production
2.1. Metallurgical enterprises of the Russian Federation - an estimation of volumes of formation of slags and their granulation, the basic companies - manufacturers of commodity granulated slag
2.2. Import of granulated slag of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017.
3. Consumption of granulated slag in the Russian Federation (2014-2017).
3.1. The structure of consumption of commodity granulated slag by the cement industry of the Russian Federation, the main branches - consumers
3.2. Consumption of granulated slag by the cement industry of the Russian Federation
3.2.1. Cement production by enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017.
JSC Eurocement Group
HeidelbergCement Group
OJSC "Sebryakovcement"
LLC Vostocement
The Gazmetallproject Group
JSC "Holding Company" Siberian Cement "
3.2.2. Consumption of granulated slag by enterprises of the cement industry of the Russian Federation
3.2.3. Consumption of granulated slag by cement plants in 2014-2017. in the SFD and DFO
3.2.4. Enterprises supplying granulated slag to cement plants of the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District
4. Logistics transport of metallurgical slag (main directions of supply, distance) and transportation prices.
Appendix 1. Options for calculating railway tariffs for the transportation of granulated slag to individual cement plants of the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District
Appendix 2. Addresses of cement enterprises, enterprises of ferrous metallurgy-producers of granulated slag in Russia
Table 1: Variety of granular slags depending on the quality factor and chemical composition
Table 2: Slag blast-granulated according to TU 14-105-863-09 produced by PJSC "Severstal"
Table 3: Slag blast-granulated according to TU 14-105-864-09 produced by PJSC "Severstal"
Table 4: Parameters of the blast-furnace slag of GOST 3476-74 produced by PJSC "Severstal"
Table 5: Evaluation of slag formation in the production of pig iron and steel at the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy in Russia in 2014-2017, million tons
Table 6: Estimation of the production of blast-furnace granulated slag by Russian metallurgical enterprises in 2014-2017, kt
Table 7: Deliveries of granulated slag of PJSC NLMK by rail to consumers in 2014-2017, kt
Table 8: Deliveries of granulated slag PJSC MMK to consumers by rail in 2014-2017, kt
Table 9: Supplies of granular slag Cherepovets (PJSC Severstal) to consumers by rail in 2014-2017, kt
Table 10: Deliveries of granulated slag of JSC EVRAZ ZSMK to consumers by rail transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 11: Deliveries of granulated slag PJSC "ChMK" to consumers by rail transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 12: Import of granulated slag to Russia in 2014-2017, thousand tonnes from selected countries
Table 13: Import of granulated slag by individual Russian enterprises in 2014-2017, thousand tons
Table 14: Export of granulated slag by individual enterprises of Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 15: Apparent consumption of granulated slag * in Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 16: Cement production by selected Federal Districts of the Russian Federation in 2010-2017, million tons *
Table 17: Production of cement in Russia in 2010-2017. by types, thousand tons
Table 18: Portland cement production with additives in Russia in 2012-2017, million tons
Table 19: Production of slag-portported cement in Russia in 2012-2017, kt
Table 20: Cement production on the assets of Eurocement Group in 2014-2017, thousand tonnes
Table 21: Deliveries of granulated slag to individual cement plants "Eurocement Group", kt
Table 22: Production of cement on the assets of the LafargeHolcim group in Russia in 2014-2017, thousand tons.
Table 23: Cement production on the assets of HeidelbergCement in Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 24: Cement production on assets of OOO Vostokcement in Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 25: Cement production on assets of OAO HC Sibirsky Cement in Russia in 2014-2017, kt
Table 26: Evaluation of granulated slag supplies to selected regions of Russia, including railway transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 27: Deliveries of granulated slag to individual cement plants in Russia by rail transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 28: Deliveries of granulated slag by rail to selected regions of the SFO and DFO in 2014-2017, kt
Table 29: Areas of shipments of granular slag by rail in the SFD and DFO in 2014-2017, kt
Table 30: Deliveries of granulated slag to enterprises of the cement industry in the SFO and DFO by rail transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 31: Deliveries of other slag to enterprises of the cement industry in the SFD and DFO by railway transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 32: Major suppliers of granulated slag by rail in the SFD and DFO in 2014-2017, kt
Table 33: The main suppliers of granulated slag by rail to cement plants in the SFD and DFO in 2014-2017, kt
Table 34: Deliveries of granular slag to Topkinsky Cement LLC by rail transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 35: Deliveries of granular slag to JSC Iskitimcement by railway transport in 2014-2017,
Table 36: Deliveries of granular slag to LLC "Krasnoyarsk cement" by railway transport in 2014-2017, kt
Table 37: Evaluation of the delivery distance of granular slag from the main metallurgical enterprises to consumers in the Far Eastern Federal District and the Siberian Federal District
Figure 1: The share of individual metallurgical enterprises in the production of blast-furnace slag in Russia in 2014-2017,%
Figure 2: Structure of consumption of granulated slag by consumer industries,%
Figure 3: Cement production in Russia in 2010-2017, million tons
Figure 4: Regional structure of cement production in Russia in 2010-2017 *,%
Figure 5: Regional structure of production of portland cement with additives in Russia in 2012-2017 *,%
Figure 6: The share of individual producers in the production of cement in Russia in 2014-2017 *,%
Figure 7: Cement production on Russian assets of HeidelbergCement in 2014-2017 *, thousand tonnes, and its share in the total output of Russia,%
Figure 8: Cement production in OJSC "Sebryakovcement" in 2014-2017 *, thousand tonnes, and its share in the total output of Russia,%
Figure 9: Cement production on assets of OOO Vostokcement in 2014-2017 *, thousand tonnes, and its share in the total output of Russia,%
Figure 10: Production of cement on the assets of OOO Gazmetallproekt in 2014-2017 *, kt, and its share in the total output of Russia,%
Figure 11: The share of individual regions in the supply of granulated slag to the cement industry enterprises in 2014-2017,%
Figure 12: The share of individual regions of the SFO and DFO in the structure of supplies of granulated slag by rail in 2014-2017,%