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Fuel additives (MTBE-ETBE, MTAE, MMA) in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)
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This report is the third edition of a ready-made study of the market of octane-enhancing fuel additives (MTBE/ETBE, MTAE, MMA) in Russia.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of octane-enhancing additives to fuel (MTBE/ETBE, MTAE, MMA).
The objects of the study are: methyl tert-butyl and ethyl tert-butyl ethers (MTBE and ETBE), methyl tert-amyl ether (MTAE) and mono-methyl aniline (MMA).
This work is a desk study. The following sources of information were used: data from statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international databases of the UN (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of Russia (until 2022); Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; Railway Transportation Statistics; SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of enterprises-producers and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.
Chronological framework of the study: 2008-2023; estimate 2024, forecast - 2025-2035.
Geography of the study: Russia - comprehensive detailed market analysis; world - general retrospective market analysis.
The report consists of 9 parts, contains 101 pages, including 22 figures, 24 tables and 2 appendices.
The first chapter provides a brief description of the global fuel additives and additives market (MTBE/ETBE, MTAE, MMA) for the period 2019-2024, as well as its development prospects.
The second chapter of the report provides a brief description of the main antiknock additives and fuel additives.
The third chapter assesses the production capacity of octane-boosting fuel additives in Russia.
The fourth chapter examines the raw materials for the production of octane-boosting fuel additives used in Russia, as well as the supply directions of raw materials for the production of the products in question.
The fifth chapter is devoted to the production of octane-boosting fuel additives (MTBE/ETBE, MTAE, MMA) by Russian enterprises. Data on the quality requirements for manufactured products, production volumes and the current state of the largest manufacturing enterprises are presented.
The sixth chapter of the report analyzes foreign trade operations with octane-boosting fuel additives (MTBE, MTAE, MMA) in the period under study. The volumes and directions of export-import deliveries are considered, and the main trends are noted.
The seventh chapter presents data on the dynamics of domestic and export-import prices for the products in question in 2008-2024.
The eighth chapter is devoted to the consumption of octane-boosting fuel additives (MTBE/ETBE, MTAE, MMA). This section presents production-consumption balances and the main consumer enterprises.
The ninth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of octane-enhancing fuel additives (MTBE/ETBE, MTAE, MMA) for the period up to 2035.
The appendices provide information on the production capacities of the products in question in European countries, as well as address and contact information for the main Russian enterprises producing octane-enhancing fuel additives.
The target audience of the study:
- oxygenates and MMA market participants – manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing departments and decision-makers working in the market of octane-enhancing fuel additives (MTBE/ETBE, MTAE, MMA).
1. Brief characteristics of the world market of octane-boosting additives to fuel in 2018-2024
1.1 Production capacity and output of octane-boosting additives to fuel in 2018-2024
1.2 Raw materials for the production of octane-boosting additives to fuel in the world
1.3. World consumption and trade of octane-boosting additives to fuel in 2019-2023
1.4. Price situation in the world market of octane-boosting additives in 2019-2023
2. Brief characteristics of the main antiknock additives and fuel additives
3. Capacities for the production of octane-boosting fuel additives in Russia
4. Technology for the production of octane-boosting fuel additives and raw materials used in industry
4.1. Production technology and raw materials used in industry
4.1.1 High-octane ethers (MTBE, ETBE, MTAE/TAME)
4.1.2 N-methylaniline (MMA)
4.2. Directions of raw material supplies
5. Production of octane-boosting fuel additives in Russia in 2008-2024
5.1. Quality of manufactured products
5.2. Volumes and structure of production
5.3. Current status of the largest manufacturing enterprises
5.3.1. MTBE/MTAE manufacturing enterprises PJSC Sibur Holding GC Ektos GC Titan (JSC Omsky Kauchuk, Omsk Region) OOO Togliattikauchuk (Samara Region) JSC Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant (Republic of Bashkortostan) JSC Novokuibyshevskaya NHK (formerly Sanors, Samara Region)
5.3.2. Oil refineries producing MTBE/TAME
5.3.3. MMA manufacturing enterprises
6. Foreign trade in octane-boosting fuel additives in Russia in 2008-2024
6.1. Export
6.2. Import
7. Prices for octane-enhancing fuel additives in Russia in 2008-2024
7.1. Domestic prices for MTBE
7.2. Export-import prices for MTBE, MTAE and MMA
8. Consumption of octane-enhancing fuel additives in Russia in 2008-2024
8.1. Production-consumption balances
8.2. Largest Russian consumer enterprises
9. Forecast for the development of the octane-enhancing fuel additives market in Russia for the period up to 2035
Appendix 1. MTBE, ETBE and TAME production capacities in Europe
Appendix 2. Contact information for the largest manufacturers of octane-enhancing fuel additives in Russia
Table 1. Global production capacity of octane-enhancing fuel additives in 2019-2024. (million tons), growth rate (%)
Table 2. The main exporting countries of octane-enhancing additives to fuel in 2019-2023, thousand tons
Table 3. The main importing countries of octane-enhancing additives to fuel in 2019-2023, thousand tons
Table 4. Export prices of the main exporting countries of octane-enhancing additives to fuel in 2019-2023, USD/t
Table 5. Import prices of the main importing countries of octane-enhancing additives to fuel in 2019-2023, USD/t
Table 6. The main types of oxygenates
Table 7. Physicochemical characteristics of the most common octane number modifiers for gasoline in Russia
Table 8. Capacity of enterprises producing octane-boosting additives to fuel in Russia in 2024, thousand tons per year
Table 9. Source of isobutylene for MTBE production at independent manufacturing plants
Table 10. Directions of raw material supplies to MTBE/MTAE manufacturing plants in Russia
Table 11. Physicochemical properties of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) according to TU 38.103704-90
Table 12. Physicochemical properties of ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) according to TU 2434-416-05842324-2006
Table 13. Physicochemical properties of methyl tert-amyl ether (MTAE) according to TU 2434-001-13631309-95
Table 14. Typical characteristics of technical N-methylaniline (MMA) according to TU 2471-269-00204168-96
Table 15. Production volumes of octane-boosting additives to fuel by Russian enterprises in 2008-7 months. 2024, thousand tons
Table 16. The largest Russian enterprises-exporters of octane-enhancing additives to fuel in 2008-2024, tons, %
Table 17. The structure of MTBE supplies for export and to the domestic market by enterprises in 2024, thousand tons, % of production
Table 18. The largest recipient countries of Russian octane-enhancing additives to fuel in 2008-2024, tons, million $, %
Table 19. The geographic structure of Russian imports of octane-enhancing additives to fuel in 2011-2024, tons
Table 20. The largest Russian enterprises-importers of MTBE and delivery directions in 2011-2023, tons
Table 21. Market prices (FCA) for MTBE in Russia in 2008-2023, thousand rubles/t (with VAT)
Table 22. Balance of production and consumption of octane-enhancing additives to fuel in Russia in 2008-2024, thousand tons, %
Table 23. Largest enterprises-consumers of octane-enhancing additives to fuel in Russia, receiving raw materials by rail in 2008-2023, thousand tons
Table 24. Production of motor gasoline in Russia by classes in 2010-2024, thousand tons
Figure 1. Dynamics of octane-enhancing fuel additives production in the world in 2019-2024, million tons
Figure 2. Structure of octane-enhancing fuel additives production by country, 2023, %
Figure 3. Dynamics of methanol production in the world in 2018-2023, million tons
Figure 4. Structure of methanol production by country, 2023, %
Figure 5. Largest countries-exporters of octane-enhancing fuel additives in 2023, %
Figure 6. Largest countries-importers of octane-enhancing fuel additives in 2023, %
Figure 7. Structure of consumption of octane-enhancing fuel additives by consumption industries, 2023, %
Figure 8. Dynamics of world prices for octane-enhancing fuel additives by region and type of supply, 2019-2024, USD/t
Figure 9. Typical processes of the "gasoline pool" at oil refineries
Figure 10. Technological scheme for obtaining high-octane ethers
Figure 11. Dynamics of production of octane-enhancing fuel additives in Russia in 2008-2024, thousand tons
Figure 12. Shares of manufacturing enterprises in the total output of MTBE in Russia in 2023, %
Figure 13. Dynamics of Russian export volumes of various octane-enhancing fuel additives in 2008-2024, thousand tons
Figure 14. Dynamics of Russian average annual export prices of MTBE and MTAE in Russia in 2008-2024, USD/t
Figure 15. Dynamics of Russian average annual prices of MTBE import in Russia in 2008-2024, $/t
Figure 16. Dynamics of Russian average annual prices of MMA export and import in Russia in 2008-2024, $/t
Figure 17. Dynamics of MTBE, MTAE and MMA consumption in Russia in 2008-2024, thousand tons
Figure 18. Dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian MTBE market in Russia in 2008-2024, thousand tons
Figure 19. Dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian MTAE market in Russia in 2008-2024, thousand tons
Figure 20. Dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian MMA market in Russia in 2008-2024, thousand tons
Figure 21. Dynamics of motor gasoline production in Russia in 2008-2024 and forecast for the period up to 2035, million tons
Figure 22. Forecast of MTBE and MTAE consumption in Russia for the period up to 2035, million tons