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Petroleum Absorbents in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (4 edition)
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This report is the fourth edition of the study of the Russian market of sorbents (absorbents) for oil and oil product spills.
Market monitoring has been conducted since 2004.
The purpose of the study is sorbents (absorbents) for the elimination of oil and oil product spills.
The objects of the study are mainly Russian sorbents (absorbers) used to eliminate oil and oil product spills, and their physical and chemical properties.
This work is a desk study. The following sources of information were used: data from statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international UN databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; railway transportation statistics; SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, websites of enterprises-producers and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.
Chronological framework of the study: 2010-2024, forecast 2025-2030.
Geography of the study: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
The report consists of 7 chapters, contains 179 pages, including 71 tables, 5 figures and 3 appendices.
The first chapter presents the classification of oil sorbents and summarizes the main requirements for them.
The second chapter presents the main types of oil sorbents.
The third chapter summarizes information on Russian manufacturers of oil sorbents, and also indicates enterprises that have ceased production of these products. The volumes of oil sorbent production in the Russian Federation in 2010-2024 are estimated.
The fourth chapter analyzes the main foreign trade operations with oil sorbents in Russia in 2010-2023.
The fifth chapter presents Russian prices for oil sorbents in 2015-2024.
Chapter six is devoted to the apparent consumption of oil sorbents in 2010-2024, and provides a description of the main sectors of the economy that pollute with oil and oil products.
The seventh chapter substantiates the forecast for the consumption of oil sorbents for 2025-2030.
The appendices provide a register of open purchases of oil sorbents, outline the basic rules for drawing up plans for the elimination of emergency spills of oil and oil products, and provide an address book of the main enterprises-producers and consumers of oil sorbents.
A special feature of the report is a detailed description of oil sorbent manufacturers with an analysis of their financial condition.
The target audience of the study:
- participants in the market of sorbents (absorbents) of oil and oil products in Russia: producers, consumers, traders;
- structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense;
- potential investors;
- college and university students, postgraduate students;
- deputy heads of district administrations of cities and municipalities on issues of housing and communal services, improvement and construction.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in this market.
1. Classification of sorbents
1.1. Requirements for sorbent production
1.2. Classification of oil sorbents
2. Types of oil sorbents
2.1. Inorganic sorbents
2.1.1. Carbon sorbents
2.1.2. Non-carbon sorbents
2.1.3. Other natural materials and sorbents based on them
2.2. Cellulose-containing sorbents
2.3. Sorbents based on peat and sapropel
2.4. Sorbents based on raw materials of plant and animal origin
2.5. Synthetic sorbents
2.6. Biosorbents
3. Oil sorbents industrially produced in Russia
3.1. The main producers of oil sorbents in Russia
OOO NPP Polikhim (Leningrad region)
OOO LARN 32 (Bryansk)
OOO Karbonika-F (Krasnoyarsk)
OOO Holding Company Menshen Group (Kemerovo region, Leninsk-Kuznetsky)
OOO NPK Okpur (Sverdlovsk region, Irbit)
OOO Gazturbo (Saint Petersburg)
ZAO Blokform (Vladimir)
OOO Kompozit (Bryansk)
OOO NPF Ecosorb (Krasnoyarsk)
OOO Netpol (Moscow region)
OOO Rameco (Moscow region)
OOO GK Chemical systems" (Mytishchi)
OOO "Factory of Special Materials" (Saint Petersburg)
OOO "Vermiculite Materials" (Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma)
OOO "Lessorb" (Bryansk)
AO "Promintekh" (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk)
OOO TEK "Polyprom" (Biysk)
OOO "Pro-Ekologiya" (Moscow)
ZAO "TsEI "Press-Torf"/OOO "Sorbonaft" (Kirov)
OOO "Khimingineering" (Shchelkovo)
OOO "Terra-Torf" (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk)
OOO "Firma "Ozon" (Leningrad region)
OOO "MIU-Sorb" (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) Moscow)
LLC PP "Artalia" (Tula region, Kireevsk)
LLC "EfHim" (Moscow region, Podolsk)
LLC "Natural Technologies" (St. Petersburg)
JSC "Sorbent" (Perm)
JSC "MHC RHS" (St. Petersburg)
LLC "GeoLineProject" (Moscow)
Russian Peat Company LLC (Moscow)
3.2. Some enterprises that have ceased production of sorbents
OOO Bakvit-Sorbent (Buinsk)
OOO Ecosorber (Moscow)
AO Sibirskaya Organika (Omsk)
ZAO NPO Company ECO-Life (Krasnodar Krai)
OAO Kovdorslyuda (Murmansk Region, Kovdor)
ZAO Bureau of Environmental Problems Tibet (Moscow)
OOO PVP EcoVtorResurs (Rostov Region, Novocherkassk)
OOO VETsIT (Moscow)
OOO EcoTekhOil (Nizhny Novgorod Region, Pavlovo)
Pilot Plant of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS (Tomsk)
OOO Ecoservice-Neftegaz (Moscow region, Zhukovsky)
OOO Severtorf (Vologda region, Kadnikov)
OOO Holding Zolotaya Formula (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk)
4. Foreign trade operations with sorbents in 2010-2023
4.1. Peat sorbents
4.2. Sorbents based on coal and mineral materials
4.3. Sorbents based on non-woven polymer materials
4.4. Import of oil sorbents by type in 2010-2023
5. Russian prices for oil sorbents in 2015-2024
6. Capacity of the Russian oil sorbent market in 2010-2023
6.1. Apparent consumption of oil sorbents in Russia in 2010-2023
6.2. Characteristics of the main sectors of the economy polluting the environment with oil and oil products
Motor vehicles
Railway transport
Water transport
Oil and oil product pipelines
Oil depots
Oil refineries
Extraction enterprises
Other sources of pollution with oil and oil products
7. Forecast of production and consumption of oil sorbents in Russia for 2025-2030
Appendix 1. Register of purchases of oil sorbents in 2013-2024
Appendix 2. Rules for organizing measures to prevent and eliminate oil and oil product spills (extracts)
Appendix 3. Address book of the main enterprises - producers and consumers of oil sorbents
Table 1: List of natural and selective strains that control hydrocarbon utilization
Table 2: Main manufacturers of oil sorbents in the Russian Federation, million rubles, tons
Table 3: Characteristics of MAU series oil sorbents
Table 4: Cleaning indicators when using electrochemical complexes of NPP Polikhim
Table 5: Cleaning indicators when using filter units for car washes
Table 6: Key indicators of financial and economic activity of NPP Polikhim LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 7: Characteristics of 3 types of peat sorbent of the Newsorb series
Table 8: Key indicators of financial and economic activity of LARN-32 LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 9: Characteristics of the ABG sorbent
Table 10: Key indicators of the financial and economic activities of Carbonika-F LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 11: Characteristics of the Irleven sorbent
Table 12: Key indicators of the financial and economic activities of Menshen Group Holding Company LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 13: Characteristics of the ODM-1F oil sorbent
Table 14: Key indicators of the financial and economic activities of Okpur Scientific and Production Company LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 15: Characteristics of the Novosorb sorbent
Table 16: Characteristics of the STRG sorbent
Table 17: Characteristics of the Turbopolymer sorbent
Table 18: Characteristics of the Turbopolymer-BIO sorbent
Table 19: Key performance indicators of Gazturbo LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 20: Characteristics of the Uremiks-913 sorbent in sheet and crumb form
Table 21: Key performance indicators of Blokform CJSC in 2015-2021, million rubles
Table 22: Key performance indicators of Kompozit LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 23: Characteristics of the Unisorb sorbent
Table 24: Capacity of the Unisorb sorbent for basic petroleum products
Table 25: Key performance indicators of NPF Ecosorb LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 26: Comparative characteristics of Unisorb series sorbents manufactured by NPF Ecosorb
Table 27: Characteristics of the Megasorb non-woven sorbent
Table 28: Key performance indicators of Netpol LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 29: Characteristics of the cellulose-based sorbents SNC and SNC
Table 30: Key performance indicators of Rameko LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 31: Characteristics of the Russian-Indonesian sorbent Shelltic
Table 32: Key performance indicators of the financial and economic activities of Chemical Systems Group of Companies in 2016-2023, million rubles
Table 33: Key performance indicators of FSM LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 34: Characteristics of VERMA-sorbent, ml per 1 l of sorbent
Table 35: Key performance indicators of Verma LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 36: Characteristics of Lessorb sorbents
Table 37: Characteristics of Zeolite-sorbent sorbents
Table 38: Key performance indicators of Lessorb LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 39: Key performance indicators of JSC Promintek in 2015-2023, million rubles.
Table 40: Key performance indicators of LLC TEK Poliprom in 2015-2023, million rubles.
Table 41: Key performance indicators of LLC Pro-Ecology in 2015-2023, million rubles.
Table 42: Key performance indicators of CJSC CEI Press-Torf in 2015-2023, million rubles.
Table 43: Key performance indicators of LLC Sorbonaft in 2015-2023, million rubles.
Table 44: Main characteristics of 4 grades of oil sorbent "Sorbonaft"
Table 45: Characteristics of sorbent TSR
Table 46: Main indicators of financial and economic activity of LLC "Khimingineering" in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 47: Characteristics of sorbent NST
Table 48: Main indicators of financial and economic activity of LLC "Terra-Torf" in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 49: Characteristics of oil sorbent NES
Table 50: Main indicators of financial and economic activity of LLC "Firm "Ozon" in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 51: Key performance indicators of MIU-Sorb LLC in 2015-2023, RUB million
Table 52: Characteristics of the S-Verad sorbent
Table 53: Key performance indicators of PP Artalia LLC in 2015-2023, RUB million
Table 54: Characteristics of sorbents for oil spill response at EfKhim LLC
Table 55: Key performance indicators of EfKhim LLC in 2015-2023, RUB million
Table 56: Characteristics of the AG-Sorb sorbent
Table 57: Key performance indicators of Natural Technologies LLC in 2016-2023, RUB million
Table 58: Equipment of the emergency box of JSC Sorbent
Table 59: Key indicators of the financial and economic activities of JSC Sorbent in 2015-2021, million rubles
Table 60: Characteristics of RX-Sorb sorbents
Table 61: Key indicators of the financial and economic activities of CJSC MHK RHS in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 62: Key indicators of the financial and economic activities of GeoLineGroup LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 63: Key indicators of the financial and economic activities of Russian Peat Company LLC in 2020-2023, million rubles
Table 64: Characteristics of Pyrosorb series sorbents
Table 65: Import of peat oil sorbents in 2010-2023, t, thousand $
Table 66: Import of oil sorbents based on non-woven polymer materials in 2010-2023, t, thousand $
Table 67: Import of oil sorbents by type in 2010-2023, t
Table 68: Prices for Russian oil sorbents for July 2015, April 2022 and September 2024, RUB/kg
Table 69: Balance of production, export, import and consumption of oil sorbents in Russia in 2010-2024, thousand tons, %
Table 70: Large spills of oil and oil products in the Russian Federation in 2013-2024.
Table 71: Categories of tank farms
Figure 1: Volume of oil sorbent production in the Russian Federation in 2010-2024, thousand tons
Figure 2: Average market shares of the main oil sorbent producers in the Russian Federation in 2023, %
Figure 3: Shares of Russian economic sectors in oil and oil product leaks in 2015-2023, %
Figure 4: Scheme of a local treatment facility at a gas station
Figure 5: Forecast of oil sorbent consumption in Russia for 2025-2030, thousand tons