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Hydrogen ("gray", "blue", "green") and equipment for its production in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

Nombre de pages: 166 Nombre de tables: 52 Le nombre de chiffres: 28
Informe Idioma: Russian
Relâché: 20.05.2024
Forme de présentation:

PDF (Single user) Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Télécharger
Prix: 3 000 Euro
This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.

This report is the fifth edition of a study of the global and Russian hydrogen market (grey, blue, green, etc.) and equipment for its production.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the global and Russian market for hydrogen and equipment for its production.

The object of research is hydrogen (“white”, “gray”, “blue”, “green”, “brown”, “yellow”, etc.), equipment for its production.

The work presented is a desk research. Rosstat was used as sources of information; Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.

Features of the study are: division of the research object into types (“gray”, “blue”, “green”, etc. hydrogen), as well as a detailed consideration of the existing concepts for the development of “hydrogen” energy in various countries.

Chronological scope of the study: 2004-2023; forecast – 2024-2035

Geography of the study: the world - a brief overview, the Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market and development concepts.


The report consists of 3 main parts, contains 166 pages, including 28 figures, 52 tables and 5 appendices.

The first chapter of the report is devoted to hydrogen production technology. It discusses methods for producing hydrogen (“grey”, “blue”, “green”, etc.).

The second chapter examines the global hydrogen market (“grey”, “blue”, “green”, etc.). In particular, a brief description of the current state of the market (dynamics and structure of production and consumption), as well as an analysis of the prospects for the use of hydrogen in new consumption sectors, including within the framework of national strategies for the development of hydrogen energy, are presented.

The third chapter is devoted to the description and characteristics of the Russian market. In particular, the requirements for the quality of products are presented, and hydrogen production in Russia in 2004-2023 is reflected. The characteristics of those few enterprises that produce commercial hydrogen for the purpose of supplying it to the domestic market are given, and specialized gas companies engaged in the sale of hydrogen are also studied.

In addition, the chapter examines the price structure of hydrogen: the cost of production, transportation, and storage. The prices of hydrogen suppliers in 2018-2024 are given.

Several subsections of the chapter are devoted to the study of hydrogen consumption, transportation and storage. The volumes and structure of consumption, brief characteristics of the current state of the main consuming industries are given. The methods of storing and transporting hydrogen, as well as the geography and volumes of supplies, are considered in detail.

There is practically no foreign trade in hydrogen, because There is no network of hydrogen pipelines. There are only small supplies of bottled gas, which do not have a noticeable impact on the domestic market. Therefore, there is no section on the export-import of hydrogen in this work.

One of the subsections of the chapter describes in detail the Russian concept for the development of “hydrogen” energy, and also gives a forecast for the production and consumption of hydrogen in Russia until 2035.

The appendices provide data on the features of the “hydrogen” Strategies of the world’s largest economies, as well as hydrotreating and hydrocracking units at Russian refineries, and provide contact information for the main Russian enterprises producing and supplying commercial hydrogen to the domestic market.


Target audience of the study:

- hydrogen market participants – producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and management decision makers working in the hydrogen market.





I. Hydrogen production methods


II. Brief description of the global hydrogen market in 1990-2023.

II.1. Analysis of the current market state, traditional areas of hydrogen use

II.2. Analysis of the prospects for the use of hydrogen in new consumption sectors

II.2.1. Energy

II.2.2. Transport

II.2.3. Building

II.2.4. Industry

II.3. Drivers of growth in hydrogen consumption in the world

II.4. Forecast for the development of the global hydrogen economy for the period up to 2050.


III. Russian hydrogen market

III.1. Product quality

III.2. Hydrogen production

III.2.1. Dynamics and structure of production in 2004-2023.

III.2.2. Main producers and suppliers of commercial hydrogen on the Russian market

III.3. Hydrogen price structure

III.3.1. Cost of hydrogen production

III.3.2. Hydrogen supplier prices

III.3.3. Cost of transportation and storage

III.4. Hydrogen consumption

III.4.1. Volumes and structure of consumption in 2004-2023.

III.4.2. Characteristics of the main consuming industries

Chemical industry

Oil refining


Electronics and electrical engineering

Electric power industry


III.5. Hydrogen transportation within Russia

III.5.1. Transportation methods

III.5.2. Geography and volumes of commercial hydrogen supplies

III.6. Hydrogen storage

III.7. Equipment for hydrogen production and compression

III.7.1. Electrolyzers

III.7.2. Installations for hydrogen production using natural gas conversion

III.7.3. Plants for extracting hydrogen from process streams

III.7.4. Compressors

III.7.5. Foreign equipment suppliers

III.8. Hydrogen production and consumption forecast

III.8.1. Concept for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation

III.8.2. Forecast of hydrogen production and consumption in Russia (outside the framework of “hydrogen energy” development) for the period up to 2035.


Appendix 1. Contact information of the largest Russian hydrogen producers

Appendix 2. Contact information of the largest Russian hydrogen suppliers

Appendix 3. Long-term programs of the largest countries and regions of the world for the development of hydrogen energy

Appendix 4. Reforming units at Russian oil refineries

Appendix 5. Hydrocracking units at Russian oil refineries

Table 1: Selected properties of normal hydrogen and parahydrogen relevant to its safety

Table 2: Hydrogen content in the main industrial sources of waste hydrogen-containing gases, %

Table 3: Types of hydrogen depending on production method and raw materials used

Table 4: Stated National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals

Table 5: National targets for the distribution of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (thousand units) and gas stations (units)

Table 6: Drivers of the global energy transition

Table 7: Forecast of global hydrogen consumption by segment, million tons

Table 8: Standard for technical gaseous hydrogen (according to GOST 3022-80)

Table 9: Standard for pure gaseous hydrogen (according to GOST R 51673-2000)

Table 10: Quality indicators of extra pure hydrogen (OSH) according to TU 2118-06-18136415-05

Table 11: Quality indicators of technical high purity hydrogen (TPH) according to TU 2118-05-18136415-05

Table 12: Hydrogen production by Russian enterprises in 2021-2023, thousand m3, thousand tons

Table 13: Hydrogen production by industry in 2010-2023, thousand tons

Table 14: Largest Russian producers of commercial hydrogen

Table 15: Hydrogen production by Air Liquide LLC enterprises in 2014-2023, thousand m3, t

Table 16: Advantages and disadvantages of the main methods for producing hydrogen

Table 17: Cost of 1 ton of commercial hydrogen for large-scale production by various methods, $

Table 18: Hydrogen prices from major suppliers

Table 19: Specific cost of pipeline transportation of hydrogen gas at a pressure of 7 MPa

Table 20: Cost of hydrogen storage cylinders

Table 21: Production of ammonia and hydrogen in Russia in 2017-2023, thousand tons

Table 22: Production of methanol and hydrogen in Russia in 2017-2023, thousand tons

Table 23: Production of butyl alcohols and hydrogen in Russia in 2017-2023, thousand tons

Table 24: Production of electrolytic caustic soda and hydrogen in Russia in 2017-2023, thousand tons

Table 25: Hydrogen balance during shallow oil refining, thousand tons per year of 100% hydrogen

Table 26: Change in oil refining capacity in 2005-2021 in Russia, million tons, %

Table 27: Russian refineries with additional hydrogen production units

Table 28: Conditions for heat treatment of cold-rolled steel at metallurgical enterprises of the Russian Federation

Table 29: Production volumes of cold-rolled steel and hydrogen consumption in Russia in 2010-2023, thousand tons

Table 30: Technical characteristics of railway and road tanks for transporting liquid hydrogen

Table 31: Largest Russian suppliers of bottled hydrogen

Table 32: Volumes of hydrogen transport in cylinders by rail in 2005-2023, pcs.

Table 33: Comparative characteristics of electrolyzers for hydrogen production

Table 34: Technical characteristics of industrial electrolyzers SEU JSC "Uralkhimmash"

Table 35: Technical characteristics of industrial electrolysers BEU and FV of Uralkhimmash JSC

Table 36: Main technical characteristics of the electrolysis unit FS-10.25 produced by IFTI

Table 37: Recipients of FS series units produced by IFTI LLC

Table 38: Brief technical characteristics of the hydrogen generator "ELDIS-130"

Table 39: Technical characteristics of the UVR-250 natural gas conversion unit (NPP "Mashprom")

Table 40: Technical characteristics of membrane hydrogen plants of Grasys LLC

Table 41: Technical characteristics of adsorption hydrogen installations of Grasys LLC

Table 42: Technical characteristics of 6GSh type piston compressors

Table 43: Technical characteristics of piston compressor 2GM4-9.6/161

Table 44: Technical characteristics of CompAir piston compressors

Table 45: Largest suppliers of industrial electrolyzers to the Russian market in 2010-2023, units

Table 46: Technical characteristics of the atmospheric electrolyser manufactured by Norsk Hydro Electrolysers

Table 47: Target indicators for Russian hydrogen exports for the period up to 2050, million tons, billion $

Table 48: Activities and deadlines for the implementation of the plan “Development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation until 2024”

Table 49: Strategic initiatives and key measures for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation

Table 50: Main Russian research organizations involved in work on hydrogen energy and fuel cells

Table 51: Stages of development of “hydrogen energy” in Russia

Table 52: Main Russian projects in the field of hydrogen energy

Figure 1: Dynamics of global hydrogen production (pure and in mixtures) in 1990-2023. and forecast until 2030, million tons

Figure 2: Structure of global hydrogen production by production method, %

Figure 3: Structure of global hydrogen consumption (including gas mixtures) by industry, %

Figure 4: Sectoral structure of global hydrogen consumption (excluding gas mixtures), %

Figure 5: Regional structure of global hydrogen consumption, %

Figure 6: Dynamics of CO2 emissions in the world and the reduction goal by 2030, billion tons

Figure 7: Change in the sectoral structure of hydrogen consumption by 2050, million tons

Figure 8: Global fleet of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in 2017-2018. and forecast for 2030, thousand units

Figure 9: Dynamics of hydrogen production in Russia in 2004-2023, million tons

Figure 10: Dynamics of Russian hydrogen production by the largest producing industries in 2004-2023, thousand tons

Figure 11: Change in the structure of hydrogen production in the Russian Federation in 2004-2023, %

Figure 12: Dynamics of hydrogen production at Redkinsky Experimental Plant JSC in 2009-2023, thousand m3

Figure 13: Balance of hydrogen production and consumption in Russia in 2004-2023, thousand tons

Figure 14: Hydrogen consumption structure in 2010, 2017, 2020 and 2023, %

Figure 15: Dynamics of hydrogen consumption by Russian chemical enterprises in 2004-2023, thousand tons

Figure 16. Dynamics and structure of caprolactam production in Russia in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Figure 17: Hydrogen consumption in oil refining

Figure 18: Dynamics of hydrogen consumption in oil refining in Russia in 2004-2023, thousand tons

Figure 19: Hydrogen consumption in metallurgy

Figure 20: Production of metallized raw materials (million tons) and hydrogen consumption in Russia (thousand tons) in 2004-2023.

Figure 21: Main Russian manufacturers of flat glass

Figure 22: Autoreceptor for transporting compressed hydrogen

Figure 23: Electrolyzers for hydrogen production, produced by Uralkhimmash JSC

Figure 24: Installation UVR-250, developed by JSC NPP "Mashprom"

Figure 25: Piston compressor type 6GSh

Figure 26: Piston compressor type 2GM

Figure 27: Regions of implementation of hydrogen technologies in railway transport in the Russian Federation

Figure 28: Forecast of hydrogen production in Russia for the period up to 2035, million tons


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February 2025

Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

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Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

February 2025

Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

February 2025

Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

February 2025

Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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