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Technical Salt (Sodium Chloride, Halite) in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (15 edition)
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This review is the 15th edition of the market research for industrial salt (sodium chloride) in Russia and the EAEU countries.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the table salt market in Russia and the EAEU countries.
The object of the study is industrial salt, as well as brine produced by chemical and potash companies. All data on brine production volumes are given in terms of solid product.
This work is a desk research. Data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022), official statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, the Bureau of National Statistics ASPR RK, State Statistics Committee of the EAEU and CIS countries were used as information sources; UNdata database data; VLSI databases; industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, as well as Internet sites of table salt manufacturers.
A distinctive feature of this study is a detailed description of the technical table salt market in Russia (including brines). A brief description of the world market and the markets of the EAEU countries is also given.
Chronological scope of the study: 2012-2023; forecast – 2024-2035
Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed analysis of the market, the EAEU countries and the world – brief retrospective analysis.
The review consists of 10 chapters, contains 102 pages, including 44 tables, 24 figures and 2 appendices.
The first chapter provides a brief description of the global market for table salt in 2018-2023.
The second chapter shows the largest deposits of table salt in Russia and the EAEU/CIS countries as of 01/01/2023.
The third chapter presents the qualitative characteristics of technical salt in the EAEU/CIS countries.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the extraction and production of technical table salt in the EAEU/CIS and Russia in 2008-2023.
The fifth chapter describes the main Russian companies producing industrial salt.
The sixth chapter of the review describes foreign trade operations with technical table salt in Russia for the period 2012-2023. Here are statistical data on the volume of foreign trade transactions, the regional structure of exports and imports of technical sodium chloride.
The seventh chapter presents a price analysis of the Russian industrial salt market, including consideration of prices depending on the purpose of the product under study, and presentation of export-import prices in 2012-2023.
The eighth chapter shows the balance of production and consumption of technical salt in the Russian Federation in 2012-2023, examines the structure of consumption, and describes the main sectors of consumption of the product under study.
The ninth chapter is devoted to the market for industrial salt in other EAEU countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) in 2008-2023. The volumes of salt extraction, production and consumption of industrial salt are presented, and the structure of consumption of industrial salt is given.
Chapter ten provides a forecast for the development of the technical table salt market in the Russian Federation/EAEU for the period up to 2024-2035.
The appendices provide a list of enterprises engaged in salt extraction in the EAEU countries, and a map of the location of the largest deposits of table salt in the EAEU/CIS.
Target audience of the study:
- table salt market participants – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists working in the table salt market.
I. Brief characteristics of the world table salt market (reserves, production, prices)
II. Reserves and deposits of table salt in the EAEU countries
III. Technical salt quality standards in the EAEU countries
IV. Extraction and production of technical salt in 2008-2023.
IV.1. Extraction and production in the countries of the EAEU (CIS)
IV.2. Salt mining in Russia
IV.3. Production of technical salt in Russia
V. Main producers of technical salt in the Russian Federation
V.1. JSC "Bashkir Soda Company" (Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation)
V.2. Company "Russol"
V.2.1. CDPS "Bassol" LLC "Russol" (n. Nizhny Baskunchak, Astrakhan region)
V.2.2. CDPS "Iletsksol" LLC "Russol" (Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg region)
V.3. PJSC "Uralkali" (Berezniki, Perm region)
V.4. PJSC "Crimean Soda Plant" (Krasnoperekopsk, Republic of Crimea)
V.5. Others
VI. Foreign trade operations of the Russian Federation with technical salt in 2012-2023.
VI.1. Import
VI.2. Export
VII. Prices for industrial salt in the Russian Federation
VII.1. Current domestic prices
VII.2. Export-import prices in 2012-2023.
VIII. Consumption of technical salt in Russia
VIII.1. Balance of consumption in 2012-2023
VIII.2. Largest consumer enterprises
VIII.3. Structure of industrial salt consumption in Russia
VIII.4. The main industries consuming technical salt in Russia
VIII.4.1. Chemical and petrochemical industry
VIII.4.2. Road construction and operation
VIII.4.3. Agriculture
VIII.4.4. Oil industry
VIII.4.5. Water treatment
VIII.4.6. Other uses of table salt
IX. Extraction, production, export-import and consumption of technical salt in other EAEU countries in 2012-2023.
IX.1. Belarus
IX.2. Kazakhstan
IX.3. Armenia
IX.4. Kyrgyzstan
X. Forecast for the development of the industrial salt market in Russia and the EAEU countries until 2035.
Appendix 1. Map of the location of the largest deposits of table salt in the CIS
Appendix 2. Contact information of leading enterprises engaged in salt extraction in the EAEU countries
Table 1. Salt production in the world in 2017-2023, million tons
Table 2. Reserves of various types of salt in the CIS*, million tons
Table 3. The largest deposits of table salt in the countries of the former USSR
Table 4. General physical and chemical parameters of industrial salt in the EAEU countries
Table 5. Granulometric composition of technical salt in the EAEU countries
Table 6. Quality standards for feed salt in the EAEU countries
Table 7. Salt production in the EAEU (CIS) countries in 2008-2023, thousand tons
Table 8. Capacity of enterprises for the extraction and production of sodium chloride in the territory of the former USSR (except Russia)
Table 9. Production of technical salt in the EAEU countries in 2015-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 10. Salt production in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 11. Production of technical salt by the largest enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2018-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 12. Quality indicators of brine from the Yar-Bishkadak field (according to TU 2152-008-00204872-2002)
Table 13. Quality indicators of table salt produced by BSK JSC (according to TU 2192-027-00204872-2011)
Table 14. Chemical composition of technical salt produced by TsDPS "Bassol" LLC "Russol"
Table 15. Chemical composition of table salt produced by TsDPS "Iletsksol" LLC "Russol" in accordance with GOST R 51574-2000
Table 16. Main characteristics of technical salt produced by PJSC Uralkali
Table 17. Main countries supplying technical table salt to Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 18. Largest enterprises exporting technical table salt to Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 19. Main importing countries of Russian technical table salt in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 20. Price list of the Russol company (2024)
Table 21. Prices for technical salt Tekhstroy LLC
Table 22. Average annual prices for imports of industrial salt into the Russian Federation, broken down by eight-digit HS codes in 2012-2023, $/t
Table 23. Average annual export prices of industrial salt from the Russian Federation, broken down by eight-digit HS codes in 2012-2023, $/t
Table 24. Average annual export prices of technical table salt from Russian producers in 2015-2023, $/t
Table 25. Indicators of consumption of technical table salt in Russia in 2012-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 26. Largest Russian consumers of technical table salt by rail in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 27. Volumes of consumption of technical salt in various industries of the Russian Federation in 2018 and 2023, million tons, %
Table 28. Production of soda ash and caustic soda and salt consumption in the Russian Federation in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 29. Forecast of changes in chlorine production capacity for the period until 2030, thousand tons
Table 30. Salt consumption in agriculture of the Russian Federation in 2021-2023, thousand tons
Table 31. Mining and production of salt in Belarus in 2012-2023, thousand tons
Table 32. Physico-chemical characteristics of the mineral-halite concentrate of OJSC "Belaruskali" (according to TU RB 600122610.016-2002)
Table 33. Foreign trade of table salt in Belarus (according to HS code 250100) in 2020-2023, thousand tons, $/t
Table 34. Balance of production and consumption of technical salt in Belarus in 2013-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 35. Mining and production of salt in Kazakhstan in 2013-2023, thousand tons
Table 36. Physico-chemical characteristics of technical salt (halite) of Araltuz JSC (according to ST 82163-1910-TOO-01-2012)
Table 37. Quality indicators of technical salt of Pavlodarsol LLP (according to ST LLP 061240011441-003-2013)
Table 38. Foreign trade of technical table salt of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017-2023, thousand tons, $/t
Table 39. Balance of production and consumption of technical salt in Kazakhstan in 2012-2023, thousand tons
Table 40. Mining and production of salt in Armenia in 2012-2023, thousand tons
Table 41. Quality indicators of technical and feed salt of Avan Salt Plant CJSC
Table 42. Foreign trade of table salt in Armenia in 2013-2022, thousand tons, $/t
Table 43. Balance of production and consumption of technical salt in Armenia in 2013-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 44. Balance of production and consumption of table salt in Kyrgyzstan in 2012-2023, thousand tons, %
Figure 1. Dynamics of world production of table salt in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 2. Leading salt producing countries in 2023, %
Figure 3. Industry structure of technical table salt consumption in the world, %
Figure 4. Distribution of table salt reserves across the EAEU (CIS) countries, %
Figure 5. Structure of table salt production by EAEU countries in 2023, %
Figure 6. Type structure of table salt production in the EAEU in 2023, %
Figure 7. Salt production in Russia in 2008-2023, million tons
Figure 8. Structure of salt production in Russia in 2023, %
Figure 9. Structure of salt production in Russia by holdings in 2023, %
Figure 10. Degree of use of salt production capacity by the largest companies in 2019-2023, %
Figure 11. Structure of table salt production in Russia in 2012-2023, %
Figure 12. Extraction, consumption of salt and production of soda ash in the Soda division of BSK JSC in 2008-2023, million tons
Figure 13. Salt production and capacity utilization of the Bassol Central Distribution Station of Russol LLC in 2008-2023, thousand tons, %
Figure 14. Salt production and capacity utilization of the CDPS "Iletsksol" LLC "Russol" in 2008-2023, thousand tons, %
Figure 15. Extraction and production of sodium chloride by PJSC Uralkali in 2003-2023, thousand tons
Figure 16. Extraction, salt consumption and production of soda ash PJSC "Crimean Soda Plant" in 2008-2023, million tons
Figure 17. Dynamics of export-import of technical table salt in Russia in 2012-2023, thousand tons
Figure 18. Dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian market of technical table salt in 2012-2023, thousand tons
Figure 19. Structure of industrial salt consumption in Russia in 2023, %
Figure 20. Production of NaOH and Na2CO3 in 2008-2023. and production forecast until 2030-35, million tons, assessment of table salt consumption for their production
Figure 21. Dynamics of salt extraction and production in Belarus in 2008-2023, thousand tons
Figure 22. Dynamics of salt extraction and production in Kazakhstan in 2008-2023, thousand tons
Figure 23. Structure of consumption of technical table salt in Kazakhstan in 2022-2023, %
Figure 24. Forecast of consumption of technical table salt in Russia for the period up to 2030-2035, million tons