Études des marchés des matières premières minérales, des métaux et des produits chimiques

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Lundi a Vendredi 10:00 - 19:00 (MSK)

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Nouvelles de la societe

06 December 2024
Company news
On December 5, the company's CEO Igor Petrov gave a presentation on "Russia's export potential in the field of non-ferrous and rare metals and issues of limiting supplies to the...
29 November 2024
Company news
On November 29, Olga Voloshina, Head of the Chemical and Petrochemical Products Markets Department, took part in the VII Industry Conference “Water Treatment and Purification 2024”,...
22 November 2024
Company news
Director Igor Petrov took part in the 3rd international forum "Non-ferrous metals of Russia and the CIS: mining, construction and modernization of enterprises" (November 19-20, 2024,...
04 October 2024
Company news
On October 3, the company's CEO Igor Petrov presented "Lithium production projects in different countries - will the growing global demand be met?" at the II Industry Conference...
19 July 2024
Company news
The company's general director, Igor Petrov, provided an expert commentary on the prospects for the production of rare and rare earth metals in Russia for the Metallplace website.
Plus de nouvelles

Modes de paiement accepté

Mikhail Burstein

Deputy Director for International Cooperation

Doctor of Engineering Science; Professor of San Diego State University (SDSU)

Education: Graduated from Moscow Steel And Alloys Institute (Department of Nonferrous and Rare Metals and Alloys), postgraduate studies at Institute of Solid Fossil Fuels Preparation (IOTT).

Major professional interests:
Relational databases
Market research of base and rare metals and raw materials 
Processing of natural resources,
Environmental studies in engineering. 

Experience in market research - over 15 years

Author of over 50 publications in Russian and international journals, books and encyclopedia


Filippov L.O., Burstein M.A. Scale-up in Flotation - Maximilian Lackner (editor), Scale-up in Metallurgy, ProcessEng Engineering GmbH, Vienna, ISBN: 978-3-902655-10-3 (2010). 
Flint I.M., Burstein M.A. Flotation: Column cells - Encyclopedia of Separation Science, Academic Press, 2000, Ed. I.D. Wilson, et al., p. 1471-1480.
Rubinstein J.B., Burstein M.A. Flotacion en columna. Procesos,     Disenos y Practicas. Editorial Rocas y Minerales, 1997.
Rubinstein J.B., Burstein M.A. Column Flotation: Processes, Design, Practice. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1995.
Burstein M. Copper: reserves, mining and processing in CIS countries - Raw Materials Report, 1993, v. 9, No. 4, p. 24-29.
Burstein M. Lead & zinc output in the C.I.S. - Mining Journal, 1993, vol.321, No.8253, p.388-390.


Rapports à venir

January 2025

Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

January 2025

Pharmaceutical Substances and Intermediates in Russia:Production, Market and Forecast

Agents de vente de rapports prets


Centre d'affaires "na Pevtcheskom" - Bâtiment 4, étage 4 - 4 Rue Pevtcheski - 109028 Moscou

Téléphone: +7 (495) 988-1-123

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